
Friday, March 11, 2011

It was a beautiful Day.

For here, for "now", for us.  The kind of day where I knew I would be spending the afternoon with my favorite little boy.  A day that the sun was bright and shining.  A day that I needed my sunglasses, but my 2 year old said -"mama, don't wear dose"...  It was a day that definitely called for the park.  Yes fresh air for the both of us.  I pulled out the stroller, but only to put my camera in, because Grey would have no part of it and only wanted to walk beside me.  Such a big boy he is.  He's preparing himself for the "big brother" role.  It was a day that I left my phone on the table and there were no interruptions.  I didn't even bring the diaper bag, which could have been a bad thing, but it turned out just fine.

Grey and I walked to the park hand in hand.  Whenever we saw a stop sign he would tell me to "stop mommy."  Even though he likes to be Mr. Independent he still never strays too far away wherever we are.  And whenever there are strangers around Grey is at one of our sides.  Which I like that he's like that.  I pushed him on the swings.  We played the I'm gonna "get you" game.  We went on the teeter totter.  And we went down the slide no more than 100 times.  He would give me a "push" down the slide and then I would give him a push down the slide.  He thought he was really doing something by pushing me down the slide, it was cute.  He fell in some dirt and threw some sand.  He tried to "get me" with that sand but I was way too quick for!

After our park fun was over,  I treated Grey to his first Shamrock shake.  It was his treat for being such a good boy.  He couldn't wait to get to the cherry on top. 

And it was a beautiful day!

Here are the pictures from our park excursion...

The hat came off so Grey could feel the wind in his hair for a bit...

and then fun on the swings...

We had a good ol' time at the park...we were dirty, wet, and full of sand....

This is where Grey decided he wanted to throw some sand...

and then came the shamrock shake....

It was good....the perfect treat before he went down for his nap...


And then, our beautiful day contd.  Livy Lou decided that she wanted to get her ears pierced.  So, of course Grey and I said we'd go too!  We were not sure if she'd do it or not.  But, let me tell you she was a brave little soul and such a big girl.  SHE DID IT!

Livy and Grey before she got pierced

She was so serious....

They were marking the dots on her ears just right...

She held the bear tight and then it happened....

Grey was ALL eyes....he didn't know what to think...But she did it...she cried for maybe a minute then it was onto the play area and pretzels and they were good to go!

And it was a beautiful day!


  1. Looks like a fun day at the was a beautiful day! Grey has me craving a shamrock shake! Hah! They are sooo good!

  2. perfect park day!!! lol at poor livvy.
