
Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm Pretty Sure...

I'm pretty sure we are still withOUT our computer.

I'm pretty sure it's driving me NUTS!

I'm pretty sure I have had to pay my bills all differently because of this inconvenience.

I'm pretty sure Baby Ernat was having a party in my tummy at 3am.

I'm pretty sure that's why I couldn't sleep, but I'm not complaining.

I'm pretty sure I have my check up today with Baby Ernat.

I'm pretty sure I went to church on Saturday night all by myself and truth be told 1/2 of it was spent thinking of baby names.

I'm pretty sure, I told myself to STOP and pay attention.

I'm pretty sure I picked up my boys after church and we went out to eat and Grey was NOT very good.  I have never seen him like that before when we are out to eat and we take him ALL the time.

I'm pretty sure he was climbing all over the place and taking his shoes off down at Monari's.

I'm pretty sure Nate and i were scarfing down our food so we could get the heck out of there.

I'm pretty sure Nate dowloaded an "ant" smashing game for him at the table to play (which we have NEVER done) and he only played it for a couple seconds.

I'm pretty sure no I'M POSITIVE that I'm sick of buying diapers.

I'm pretty sure that either this long weekend coming up we are going to potty train and if not this coming weekend then FOR SURE over Spring Break.

I'm pretty sure I have sausage cooking in the crock pot today but I hope I remembered to turn on the crock pot.

I'm pretty sure Grey and I had a lazy day yesterday while Nate had to bartend at Sidetracks.  Our biggest outing was to the grocery store where I forgot to buy overnight diapers.

I'm pretty sure Nate went at 9:00pm to get those overnight diapers because of the generic ones I bought this week;)

I'm pretty sure that I'm really missing my computer!  I think I already told you that!  I have pictures waiting to be uploaded.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Just wanted all of you to know that our computer is down....  I really hope we get it back ASAP!  We took it in on Thursday, so we shall see.  We don't know what's wrong with it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

21 weeks

Pics taken yesterday (2-23-11) after school

(I think I'm carrying really high this time......Grey was so low.....I really remember that...)

How far along?  21 weeks and 4 days

Baby size?  10.5 in and the size of a banana.  I feel like I've really had a growth (belly) spurt all of a sudden.  Baby's digestive system is really developing.  He/she is beginning to swallow amniotic fluid and absorbing small amounts of sugar.  So basically whatever is on the menu for me during the day, the baby is really getting a taste too:)  Yesterday baby had a taste of a ham sandwich, 2 pickles, and an apple for lunch-hah!

Sleep?  So so - I had some weird dreams last night and a little bit of belly cramps so I was tossing and turning.  Same old same old with that.

Weight Gain?  I've gained about 10lbs so if I could just gain about 10 more in the 2nd half that would be great.  ((But I'm sure it will be more;)

Best moment this week?  It's still all the moving around from Baby Ernat.  I still have not taken the time to track the movements though but it seems like it's all the time.

Food Cravings?  Nope.  Everything is still tasting pretty good;)

What I am looking forward to?  The big ultrasound, which is in about another week.

Gender?  Nope.  Not this time.

Pregnancy symptoms?  Still the heartburn and it's already getting harder for me to bend over.  But all in all feeling pretty good.

Yesterday morning I was having belly cramps and I felt dizzy.  I kept drinking water and more water.  If I ran to the bathroom once yesterday I ran there 50 times.  So, I did have nurse Mary take my blood pressure and it was 110/50 so that was good.  She said there is a virus going around and kids are complaining of belly aches and dizziness.  So I might have a touch of that.  However, all the water really did help.

Other than that 21 weeks pregnant and feeling pretty good!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bring on the Sunshine!

We had some bouts of nice weather here in Illinois so we definitely had to take advantage.  When it reaches 50 degrees here in February you are jumping for joy and getting outside.  And on top of the 50 degree mark the sun was shining.  So we pulled out Grey's little 4 wheeler and away he went.

The fresh air and sun felt so so good.

Grey was lovin' it.

He ran and ran and ran, until we said it was time to go in. 

Whoops!  A little help here mom....


LOVE him......

to pieces......

So, come on.......bring on some more of this Spring like weather.  We need it!

Oh and while you're at it, bring on some "green" too!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The 30th Birthday Dinner

and the giant sugar cookie with a fish on it!

I asked Nate yesterday what he wanted for his "birthday" dinner......After a while of thinking he decided that he wanted a "cheddar bacon burger and sweet potato fries".........Now, I'm not a fan of sweet potato fries, but it wasn't my birthday so I didn't get a say;)

Yesterday, on Nate's actual birthday we spent the day as a family of 3.  We hit up kohl's and then the mall where Grey was able to run around.  Nate was still looking for shoes, but no luck.  So, he did end up ordering the North Face shoes he wanted online last night.  After the mall, we hit up the grocery store where we got our fresh burgers and everything else to go with it.  We got home at about 1:45.  I changed Grey's diaper and put him down at 2 and he didn't get up until 5:30!!!  He obviously was a little sleep deprived from the weekend.

These were the yummy burgers that we grilled.......

and of course the sweet potato fries....

Nate really enjoyed least somebody did;)

and some fresh pineapple and grapes......this was pretty much for Grey because he has been on an anit-eating kick lately.

Ready to chow down.....

After dinner we did take a break and visited Livy Lou.  We tried out some dance moves on their new xbox kinect.  I also knew that Grey needed to burn some energy being that he slept until 5:30.  So we got to play some games with Livy and Amy and then we called it a night and headed home to sing Happy Birthday to Nate.

This is where the giant sugar cookie comes into play!  Nate is not a huge fan of cake (really desserts in general) so he picked out his own cookie at the grocery store.  We told him to go with the "fish" one, you know being the fisherman that he is.  We didn't have candles (I forgot to get them) so we just stuck one in there and it did the trick.  (Thanks to Auntie Amy for that candle!)

Their glasses were filled with milk and they were ready for their cookie.

Happy Birthday to you...

and of course......make a wish!

Happy 30th Nate!

Monday, February 21, 2011

It was HIS weekend!

And his being Nate!  Today, February 21, 2011, is Nate's 30th birthday.  He has entered a whole new ball game.  So, we say bring on the 30s!  And because of this big detail it was his weekend to call the shots and decide what he wanted to do.  Yep, I just sat back, didn't say a word and went along for the ride.  It was a fun-filled weekend and we were on the road a lot and Greyson was a little angel to say the least.  He just loves to go anywhere. 

So, with all that being said we started Nate's birthday weekend with some hockey.  He wanted to take us to a game and it was a lot of fun.  We just went to Rockford to see the Ice Hogs which is the farm team for the Blackhawks.  It was pretty cool and Grey really liked it (minus the mascot)....He really wasn't fond of the hog that was walking around the stands and every time it came by us Grey hopped up into one of our laps as fast as he could.  He loved seeing the zamboni between quarters and there was even a live band.  I actually think the band was Grey's favorite.  It was funny because one of the guitar players had long dreads in his hair and Grey kept calling the guitar player a girl.  lol!  He made it through the first half with the help of some popcorn and dots and by 9:00 we were all ready to call it a night and drive home.

This was Grey watching the hockey players warm up.

Grey and daddy......

Grey was too busy watching to take a pic with me


The lights went off, the music went on, and then all the hockey players came storming out....

We were even in team colors (not planned I promise)

This was the live band that Greyson liked so much and this was the guitar dude with the dreads

We got home from the hockey game by about 10:30......Grey was sound asleep so I just transfered him from the carseat to his crib so it worked out good.

The rest of the weekend (Sunday Morning) was still in full swing starting at 8am............the car was fully loaded with diaper bag, snacks, DVD player, and some toys and we were on our way to Chicago to see Nate's brother (Uncle Just) by 8:30am.  Nate wanted to meet up with Just and go for breakfast, hang out downtown for a bit, and then on the way back hit up Bass Pro Shops.  And that's just what we did.  We had breakfast at The Yolk, followed by some shopping for me, and got to spend some quality time with Uncle Just.  We had a really good time.  It was rainy and cold so we couldn't really "walk" around and I didn't get any pics up in Chi-town because the weather was so crummy:(  Of course, I had my camera all packed, so I was pretty bummed that I didn't take any pics up in the city.

On our way back from Chicago was the big stop at Bass Pro Shop.  I was hoping Nate was going to get his North Face shoes that he wants, but they didn't have his size.  So, he's just going to order them.  I did pull out my camera here.

Grey just couldn't contain himself once he saw all the 4 wheelers..... i think he had to crawl up on all of them

Then it was onto the boats.

Greyson was all about those as well...

I think I was the only one in the store with my camera (lol!)

Grey was a little scared of the bear...

and he thought the waterfall was the coolest thing ever.....and the kid has been to this store many many times....I tried to set my camera on a setting to make it look the water was "really" falling here -did it work?

After Bass Pro Shop, it was time to head home.  Dee Dee was having a little birthday party for Nate so the Ernat household was our last stop of the day.  Now I have to let you in on some bad news before I get to the actual birthday party.  The Ernats have two little dachsunds.  They got Murphy as a puppy and Uncle Just rescued Jake from a shelter.  Well to make a long story short, Jake has not been feeling good.  Basically his heart was ballooning and there was nothing that could be done for him.  Deb took him to the vet last week and they said there was nothing that could be done, but he could snap out of it or he might pass.  It was just kind of a waiting game.  Well after about a week, Jake kind of got bad on Saturday.  He had stopped eating and going to the bathroom and his breathing had become very labored (if you will)...So, Jake did pass away Sunday at midnight.  Deb thinks he had a heart attack.  He was in bed with her like he always is and he passed away.  SO it was a sad day at the Ernats today.  Jakey Boy, we will miss you buddy!

We tried to get pics with the dogs last night...

Getting our last good bye's in with Jake.....once we saw him last night we just knew...we all had a good cry...

Nate also put in an order for RIPS last night, so he was the King of the table and enjoyed his 1/4 light, greasy fries, and that good ol' piece of bread that sits at the bottom - you know what I'm talking about!  Nate thinks that's the best.  And after dinner, this was the ice cream cake that we all indulged in.

All the GOOD stuff with a cherry on top!

We sang and we sang and we know the drill we just kept singing until all the pics were taken.

Kisses and wishes for the best daddy a kid could have...

Then after cake, we tried to get all the family pics that we could...

You really have NO idea what a goofball Auntie Mims can be!

Right before we said good-bye to Jakey Boy!

So as you can see we've been busy busy busy!  We took today off to relax and chill at home.  We made a stop at the grocery store and that's about it.  Nate picked his birthday dinner and so tonight it's just the 3 of us.  We'll be sure to let you know how it turned out!

Happy 30th Nate!  Happy 30th Daddy!