
Saturday, February 19, 2011

He's 2

and pretty Mr. Independent these days.  He wants to do everything by himself.  Most days, it's "mommy I do it, k?"  I hear this numerous times a day. 

Some days I will think and think and think about what I'm going to make for supper and I get home and all Grey wants is a hot dog.

So, a hot dog it is....

and a nice big ol' glass of orange juice to go with it

Yep, that's right sometimes the night just calls for a hot dog, some rice, and an orange to satisfy a 2 year old

and he amuses himself quite well.....

But still, there are days that call for taking out all of mommy's pots and pans

and being just as satisfied:)

He's 2.....the possibilities are endless.

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