
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The 30th Birthday Dinner

and the giant sugar cookie with a fish on it!

I asked Nate yesterday what he wanted for his "birthday" dinner......After a while of thinking he decided that he wanted a "cheddar bacon burger and sweet potato fries".........Now, I'm not a fan of sweet potato fries, but it wasn't my birthday so I didn't get a say;)

Yesterday, on Nate's actual birthday we spent the day as a family of 3.  We hit up kohl's and then the mall where Grey was able to run around.  Nate was still looking for shoes, but no luck.  So, he did end up ordering the North Face shoes he wanted online last night.  After the mall, we hit up the grocery store where we got our fresh burgers and everything else to go with it.  We got home at about 1:45.  I changed Grey's diaper and put him down at 2 and he didn't get up until 5:30!!!  He obviously was a little sleep deprived from the weekend.

These were the yummy burgers that we grilled.......

and of course the sweet potato fries....

Nate really enjoyed least somebody did;)

and some fresh pineapple and grapes......this was pretty much for Grey because he has been on an anit-eating kick lately.

Ready to chow down.....

After dinner we did take a break and visited Livy Lou.  We tried out some dance moves on their new xbox kinect.  I also knew that Grey needed to burn some energy being that he slept until 5:30.  So we got to play some games with Livy and Amy and then we called it a night and headed home to sing Happy Birthday to Nate.

This is where the giant sugar cookie comes into play!  Nate is not a huge fan of cake (really desserts in general) so he picked out his own cookie at the grocery store.  We told him to go with the "fish" one, you know being the fisherman that he is.  We didn't have candles (I forgot to get them) so we just stuck one in there and it did the trick.  (Thanks to Auntie Amy for that candle!)

Their glasses were filled with milk and they were ready for their cookie.

Happy Birthday to you...

and of course......make a wish!

Happy 30th Nate!


  1. The difference between you and me, I would have said NO to the sweet potato fries. hahaha!
