
Thursday, February 17, 2011

20 weeks

I'm half way there.....can you believe it?!

Both of these pics were taken this morning...(2/17/11) (don't mind the lovely background - a toilet and plunger-lol)

And a "big brother" good mornin' to ya!

How far along?  20 weeks and 4 days

Baby Size?  6.5 in-Baby Ernat is the size of a small cantaloupe.  This week baby's skin is being covered with a waxy-like substance called vernix which will protect his/her skin from becoming scratched or chapped.  My baby is also producing meconium, the result of digestion, which will accumulate in his/her bowels and eventually pass during delivery or in his.her first diaper.  I have officially reached the halfway point of my pregnancy.  woot! woot!

Sleep?  It changes every week.  This week happens to NOT be so great.  I get up a lot and I toss and turn.

Best moment this week?  The kicks and jabs are getting stronger and much MORE frequent.

Food Cravings?  Nothing really I've just been eating anything and everything I can....Not looking forward to the scale at my next appt.

What I am looking forward to?  My big ultrasound in a couple weeks.  Can't wait!

Gender?  Nope

Pregnancy symptoms?  Still have lots of heartburn from just about anything I eat.  But that's about it so I'm pretty lucky with that I know.