
Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm Pretty Sure...

I'm pretty sure we are still withOUT our computer.

I'm pretty sure it's driving me NUTS!

I'm pretty sure I have had to pay my bills all differently because of this inconvenience.

I'm pretty sure Baby Ernat was having a party in my tummy at 3am.

I'm pretty sure that's why I couldn't sleep, but I'm not complaining.

I'm pretty sure I have my check up today with Baby Ernat.

I'm pretty sure I went to church on Saturday night all by myself and truth be told 1/2 of it was spent thinking of baby names.

I'm pretty sure, I told myself to STOP and pay attention.

I'm pretty sure I picked up my boys after church and we went out to eat and Grey was NOT very good.  I have never seen him like that before when we are out to eat and we take him ALL the time.

I'm pretty sure he was climbing all over the place and taking his shoes off down at Monari's.

I'm pretty sure Nate and i were scarfing down our food so we could get the heck out of there.

I'm pretty sure Nate dowloaded an "ant" smashing game for him at the table to play (which we have NEVER done) and he only played it for a couple seconds.

I'm pretty sure no I'M POSITIVE that I'm sick of buying diapers.

I'm pretty sure that either this long weekend coming up we are going to potty train and if not this coming weekend then FOR SURE over Spring Break.

I'm pretty sure I have sausage cooking in the crock pot today but I hope I remembered to turn on the crock pot.

I'm pretty sure Grey and I had a lazy day yesterday while Nate had to bartend at Sidetracks.  Our biggest outing was to the grocery store where I forgot to buy overnight diapers.

I'm pretty sure Nate went at 9:00pm to get those overnight diapers because of the generic ones I bought this week;)

I'm pretty sure that I'm really missing my computer!  I think I already told you that!  I have pictures waiting to be uploaded.

1 comment:

  1. i'm pretty sure i have had the exact same weekend (well, minus a baby party in my belly that is! ) ;)
