
Thursday, February 24, 2011

21 weeks

Pics taken yesterday (2-23-11) after school

(I think I'm carrying really high this time......Grey was so low.....I really remember that...)

How far along?  21 weeks and 4 days

Baby size?  10.5 in and the size of a banana.  I feel like I've really had a growth (belly) spurt all of a sudden.  Baby's digestive system is really developing.  He/she is beginning to swallow amniotic fluid and absorbing small amounts of sugar.  So basically whatever is on the menu for me during the day, the baby is really getting a taste too:)  Yesterday baby had a taste of a ham sandwich, 2 pickles, and an apple for lunch-hah!

Sleep?  So so - I had some weird dreams last night and a little bit of belly cramps so I was tossing and turning.  Same old same old with that.

Weight Gain?  I've gained about 10lbs so if I could just gain about 10 more in the 2nd half that would be great.  ((But I'm sure it will be more;)

Best moment this week?  It's still all the moving around from Baby Ernat.  I still have not taken the time to track the movements though but it seems like it's all the time.

Food Cravings?  Nope.  Everything is still tasting pretty good;)

What I am looking forward to?  The big ultrasound, which is in about another week.

Gender?  Nope.  Not this time.

Pregnancy symptoms?  Still the heartburn and it's already getting harder for me to bend over.  But all in all feeling pretty good.

Yesterday morning I was having belly cramps and I felt dizzy.  I kept drinking water and more water.  If I ran to the bathroom once yesterday I ran there 50 times.  So, I did have nurse Mary take my blood pressure and it was 110/50 so that was good.  She said there is a virus going around and kids are complaining of belly aches and dizziness.  So I might have a touch of that.  However, all the water really did help.

Other than that 21 weeks pregnant and feeling pretty good!

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