
Thursday, February 17, 2011

...and now for the truth!

Yesterday I confessed 5 things about myself, 4 which were false.  Here are the truth and lies explained.

1. I love watching discovery channel when it's shark week.  This is the TRUTH!  I have an obsession with sharks especially great white sharks.  Whenever I have the chance to watch them or if there is something on about them, I will watch it.  Although, I will not step into the ocean farther than my knees and if I'm in a lake or dark waters you can forget it.  I hate the feeling of not knowing what's underneath me.  hah!

2. I really like to cook. - Sorry this is NOT true.  Although when I do cook it usually is pretty good if I do say so myself.  But in all honesty I find this to be a little stressful in my life right now.  My downfall is that I don't plan ahead of time for the week.  So, after school I am usually scrambling like -what am I going to cook or do for supper.  For example, Tuesday I had not pulled anything out of the freezer so at school nothing sounded better to me other than a grilled steak.  So, I picked up Grey and off to the grocery store we went.  See I don't like doing this at the last minute.  If I would have been on top of it I would have bought the steaks on Sunday (my grocery shopping day) but I didn't.

3. I like cats for pets.  OH MY GOSH - I DESPISE CATS!!!  It doesn't help that I am EXTREMELY allergic to them like my eyes swell shut and I get chest heavy  and so on.......I would NEVER have a cat as a pet.  I also think they are kinda mean.  Sorry for any of you cat lovers out there.

4. I don't like to floss my teeth.  Are you kidding?  I actually do LIKE to floss my teeth.  Is that weird?  I floss in the morning, at lunch (my kindergardners always stare when I floss -yes I pull out my floss from my purse and do it right there in front of them as they come in from recess-hah!)  and I floss at night.  I love to floss-lol!

5. I really don't like subway.  And this last statement is definitely false.  There is nothing better for lunch than a crisp/fresh sub with all those yummy veggies on it.  Yummm!

So there you have it.....I like doing this bloggy fun stuff!  Let's think of another one girls!


  1. sharks .... they are pretty cool, i must admit!! :) and i agree with #3 100%!!! OMG .... i hate CATS, everything about them!!! ick!!!!

  2. i could've wrote about everything here for myself as well. sharks are fascinating, no doubt.
