
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Grandpa Hank's side of the bed!!!

As many of you know we spend a lot of time over at grandma Joyce and grandpa Hank's house! Well I was finally able to catch this on camera and get a few pictures. Every time Grey is over their house he always wants to go in grandma and grandpa's bedroom and he goes right to Grandpa Hanks side of the bed to all of his stuff. Now, any of you who know grandpa Hank know that he has a spot for EVERYTHING and I mean EVERYTHING! And everyday he has his stuff on his side of the bed all organized and everyday (most days) Grey goes right over there to grab at ALL of it. The main thing he goes for is grandpa's electric razor. Then he always messes with grandpa's radio and goes through his magazines. Aunt Amy is never too sure of what Grey might find over on that side of the bed (LOL!) IT's just kinda funny if you know good ol' Hank!

Grey has also been known to mess with grandpa's alarm....good thing they don't need that thing anymore!

He also thinks their lamp is pretty cool because it is one of those that you just touch and it turns on and off...

Look at all of us scrunched over there...

Papa Mike trying to be silly again...

PS. Today is grandpa Hank's birthday....he's 81! Happy Birthday Grandpa!

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