We were scheduled to take Greyson for his one year photo shoot on his actual birthday- November 2nd! However, we thought it was more important that we get him vaccinated for the H1N1 and since I did not know how he would be after the shot....I decided to cancel our photo session. SO, we rescheduled it for the next night which was Tues. November 3rd! We dressed him all up and he looked super cute in another Gap outfit. I told you we did a "little" damage there in a previous post. Anyway, after our "professional" one year photo shoot we decided to stop by and visit papa Mike because grammy was still working. And there we had our own little one year photo shoot being that Grey was all dressed up and looking super cute but he was really sick of pictures and a camera in his face. But, he better get used to this "thing" in his face...lol!
And just for the record Greyson I can say that you were walking on your ONE year birthday. You are just taking steps like CRAZY. More and More everyday!
Although, you still can crawl realllllllllllllllllllllly FAST!

takin' steps

Playin' with grammy's pumpkins

takin' steps again

and again

back to crawling

trying to get a family shot...
Walkin' with your papa Mike
Another "try" at a family shot
Still playing with your birthday balloons. I had sooooooooooooo many of those things blown up....we will have balloons galore for weeks to come......hah! Least you like to play with them.

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