
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Auntie Mims Birthday and...

first dinner at the new house!

Yep that Auntie of mine had the big 18th birthday on November 5th. Auntie Mims says that it's really cool that her and Grey were born in the same week! Grammy Deb fixed all of us chicken oscar. Auntie Mims got to choose what she wanted for her birthday dinner. Grey loved it and gobbled it all up. He liked the chicken, the rice, and the asparagus. And as if Grey had not had enough cake earlier in the week, he was able to have even more and this time it was an ice cream cake. However, this time mommy and Grey split a piece but Grey sure liked that too!

Papa Davey was trying to entertain Grey before dinner with bubbles...Grey was too busy looking at a flashlight

The birthday girl

Always wanting to help grammy Deb in the kitchen

Cheers to Mimi!

The ice cream cake

This sums it all up...We have the "blower" the "baby" and the "match" I guess you would appreciate this if you were there. Grammy Deb did not have candles so instead she held a match upright so that Auntie Mims could blow it out!

Grey was diggin' into the frosting AGAIN...

Then he was putting it on Auntie Mim's face

Family shot before we left

Happy 18th Birthday Auntie Mims! We love you lots!

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