
Monday, November 9, 2009

Another Day for the Park...

Yesterday was such a beautiful day so we could NOT pass up the chance to take Grey to the park. It was upper 60s and sunny and Greyson absolutely LOVES to be outside. So, we waited until Grey woke up which was about 1:00, put him in his bears gear, packed some snacks, and headed to the park. He enjoyed the swings, the slide, and exploring everywhere!

Loves being pushed on the swings

Daddy loves the Irish....we'll have to get Grey one that fits

turning around to be nosy and see who's comin'

Stealing a kiss in between pushes

walkin' with daddy

slide with daddy

slide with mommy

still walkin' along

Then we walked home and decided to help daddy clean out his truck...

We were a little off schedule yesterday just from the weekend! Grey you slept from 11 until 1:00...then from 4 until 5 and then you went to bed at 7:30 and did not get up until 6am. The night went really good. Usually Grey gets up a few times but not last night so I went into his room a couple times and put my hand on his back you know that "mommy" worried thing!

1 comment:

  1. i love these kind of days! yay for grey's awesome night...hope they stick!
