
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Florida Day 1

For Spring Break 2010, the Ernat family decided they needed a little vacation! We took Grey to St. Petersburg/Clearwater Beach, Florida. We stayed at the Sirata Beach Resort right on the beach. They have beautiful beaches there. My family used to go to St. Pete when I was younger, but Nate had never been here before, he thought the beaches were beautiful! He's been to Florida, just not here! We really had a good time! I can't always say that about vacations. I mean sometimes I think vacations can be a little stressful, but all I can say about this trip is what a GREAT time just the 3 of us had. No set plans, nowhere we had to be, just some relaxing and taking one day at a time.

However, the first day we arrived we were a little worried because it was like Hurricane weather and come to find out later there was a Hurricane warning for our area. I'm glad I didn't know that at the time. You can see from my pics how WINDY it was on Monday.....we still had our coats on...But there was no way we could stay off the beach! We had to get our feet on that sand and see the beautiful ocean.

Nate brought a beer and we were good to go. lol!

Grey feelin' it for the first time

Noone was on the beach this just imagine how cold it was for Florida and the beach

Look at how empty it looks...that one lonely beer just sitting there

Daddy and Grey looking at the ocean

One lonely bird was there to see it too

Daddy chasin' Grey

One little sweet pea just taking it all in

Some pics of our resort

still chasing him

Monday we hit up the local grocery store-Publix and got food for breakfasts and lunches for the week and of course some wine and beer too! Then we did a little exploring in Clearwater and landed at Sloppy Joe's for some dinner!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love St. Pete! Resort looks nice...I love that Nate is sporting his Cubbies hat AND his bud light. You go!!! Grey looks like he is loving the beach! PS I also love Publix, each year my parent's took me to Florida we would go to Publix during our visit with grandma and grandpa jereb and the bakery worker would give me a chocolate chip cookie...needless to say i was much cuter when i was younger! HA!!! keep the pics coming I love em
