
Monday, April 12, 2010

Springy Spring Spring

ay Finally Spring has Sprung.  Grey and I caught some and we're NOT letting it go!!!  We were a little scared since our first day of Spring in Illinois brought on some snow showers...Thankfully it quickly melted and now we have found ourselves some real Spring.  Grey and I took a walk the other day to look for signs of Spring and we sure found some!!!

This is a tree in our yard with some fresh buds on it....gotta love "new beginnings"

Another tree we found in someone else's yard...they were probably thinking what is that girl with a baby doing in our yard with her camera...

I love this one

And now for the "real" springy spring spring action...

Grey did very good looking at all the flowers as I tried to tell him what each one was...I needed grammy Ann and Papa Hank-the two of them could have named them ALL....oh how they love their flowers

Running all over the place

I tried to hand him a dandelion but he didn't want it.....That's a whole other story....You would not believe how many dandelion bouquet's I get a day in kindergarten;)  Someday Grey will be doing that for his teacher.  The kids just always pick these when they start to see them in the schoolyard.

Then he found a stick...NOT running with stick in hand...especially a wobbly toddler

Then he thought he could tackle these steps....but we're not the best with that either

Still trying though

Then he spotted all lesson of flowers was over:(

First he wanted to swing

Then it was onto the slide

Then he tried to chase a bird...bless his heart


okay he gave up

back to the slide and "stuff"

And time to go....a few more flower pics.....and that was the end of our Spring excursion...