
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Final Product

Well Grey and I did end up getting our hair done last night and here is the final product.  I bet some of you are thinking that he didn't even get a haircut but believe me he DID and he did not want to sit for Abbie AT ALL, but a couple hair brushes later and a water bottle to squirt at Nate and I we were good go...

And then we came home to a TON of new toys....that good ol' grammy Ann picked up a whole bunch of new toys for Grey to play with.....a girl she works with gave her a whole bin full of cool "boy" toys and one just happens to be a garbage truck which was the hit last night at our house...go figure!

and we not only have the Handy Manny tool set but now we have Handy Manny himself to play with!

Thanks so much for always thinking of us grammy!

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