
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sidetracks Visit

Nate had to bartend the other day so he asked if I would bring Grey down.  He might have gotten bored and needed some good company, but who knows;)  Lucky for him we had just gotten back from Walmart and Grey still had a little time before his nap so we stopped by to see him!

Learning how to poor the good stuf, well it's not the "good" stuff for the Ernat men, but Grey just wanted to play...

Nate mixed Grey and I up a little drink of cranberry juice and ended up pretty good...

Just to give you an idea of how CROWDED the bar usually is when Grey and I go!

Then since there were no customers we enjoyed our visit out on the deck for a little bit...


  1. mmmm looks like some fun, Grey is a natural pouring those beers...what day was this and what time? If the Alteri's were in the IL val he may have had some visitors. ha!

  2. Ooooo! I like your braid. Cute! That drink is my fave...especially when I'm pregnant. Anything with cranberry. Yum!
