
Friday, April 30, 2010


In case you don't know basketball is very BIG to the Riva boys! I mean pretty huge! Growing up basketball was life! Well not "life" but you know what I mean! Because of this intense love for basketball papa mike bought grey a hoop for Christmas and grey NEEDS a little work! For starters Grey's first action with the hoop is to knock it down and then sit on it! But the main thing is that instead of putting the ball through the hoop Grey likes to put his head through the hoop, which is a big red flag! No need to worry though Grey because there are plenty of boys around here that can teach you the right way!

This was another half time show....Grey still thinks the fish tank is pretty cool and still likes to go behind it and make funny faces...

Oh and Grey there's also no need to worry on your daddy's end of it because he's more of a football/baseball kinda guy!
Happy Friday Everybody! :)))
"Happiness" for Grey's mommy today is only 21 more days left of school!


  1. lol. love when he's trying to go thru the hoop! i know a little something about sport being 'life!' wouldn't have it any other way. whatever he chooses, he'll be great at!

  2. I love the natural wonder kids have . . they can look at something so differently then adults and get the biggest kick out of the littest things (like huge cardboard boxes). I think spending time in the wonderment of children really gives you some perspective.

    PS. Grey is getting SOOOOO big.
