
Monday, April 26, 2010

What did we do this Weekend?

A whole lot of nothin'!

My Uncle Mark who lives in Virginia is visiting (my dad's brother) and would you believe I don't have one picture of him yet.....I know!  We spent a lot of time with him over the weekend and just hung out....

we did get outisde for a little bit...

had some laughs

caught some cheese

but some seriousness too

grammy ann had everyone over for a steak dinner, but Grey didn't use the best table!

then we stripped him down to run free

He tried to jump....Grey thinks it's pretty funny when we jump and then he tries but he doesn't quite get it's pretty funny to see...

we blew some "blurry" kisses this weekend too...

and just acted like a goof-ball which is always fun

we had tickle time with papa Mike

we counted fingers

and toes

and then we clapped those fingers and toes together

we got stuck between the wall and chair but did manage to get out

and of course showed Ebby some love....these pictures just progress with was pretty funny...

Ebby kept trying to lick Grey

Look at this one....too funny!  Grey wasn't sure about the front....

so he turned around and let Ebby lick his!

Just a good weekend of doing really nothing at all......


  1. I love love love that HAIR !!!!!!!!

  2. Hah! Thanks Irene...I have to admit I love it too! Alicia
