
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Look Out!

Well isn't this just LOVELY???  This is what my kid started doing last night!  Yikes!  This is not going to fly-NO WAY NO HOW!!!

Then at about 7:40-I remember looking at the clock-my dad calls me and says "if you wanna use "that" camera go outside and look west"....he said there was a beautiful red sunset.   So I did and I tried to get a picture of it but it didn't turn out that good.

and then I tried to upload a video but you can't do that in the new post editor just quite yet......i have to go back to the old version and I just don't have time for that right now......have to go get ready!  Maybe I will post the video's just of a particular 17 month old trying so hard to talk.... 


  1. Oh my gosh I would die if Sam did that! Good luck keeping him off of it! Oh, one tip, on the night shot, you don't want any flash and you probably would need a tripod to get that dark of a shot without blur. It's actually a very hard shot to get so don't feel bad.

  2. oh my goodness - will NOT fly is right!! i'm chuckeling and gasping at the same time.

    good tips em - i can't get a good shot in the dark for anything either.

  3. Oh Greyson, you know you are doing bad when you get called "my kid" don't worry this will not impact you until you are about 12 years old in junior high :-)....ok just kidding cuz..what's your plan on keeping him off?? you may have to baby gate the stove, but he may just knock it down. Yikers
