
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Some Videos

Here are just some videos I have been meaning to post.  They crack me up.

This is an older one.

Twinkle Twinkle

Livy and Grey together with Twinkle Twinkle

Finger in the air song that Grey knows all too well

and this started right after we saw Willy!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2 months old

Dear Sailor,
You are 2 months old already!  You are growing and growing everyday.  We don't go to the doctor yet for a few more weeks, but I'm pretty sure you are about 10 1/2 pounds or so.  You are an excellent nurser and LOVE to eat.  Your cheeks are filling out quite nicely and I.LOVE.IT.  You are still a very good baby and cry about the things you should such as when your hungry, tired, need a diaper change, wanna be held, wanna be put down, wanna be walked etc etc...

You still have these beautiful long lashes and I could just stare at you ALL day!  We are getting a little more of a schedule which is always good for this mama.  You currently still feed every 3-4 hours around the clock.  You usually go down around 8:00 for the night and sleep until 1am.  That is always your first feeding - so really to start you give me a 5 hour stretch at night and then you are up again at 4am and then again at about 6 - 6:30 and then up for some "action" at about 7:30am.  This is the time your big brother and I like to snuggle with you in bed and play with you usually while Mickey Mouse is on or Jake and the Never Land Pirates.

So, by 9am you start your "tired" cry and I swaddle you right up, pat your little bottom and you go to sleep.  So I can already see that we are settling into that 9am nap schedule.  You are taking a binkie but only for a little bit and then you spit it out.  I just try and make sure to put you down while you are still awake so that you learn to put yourself asleep without me.  Self soothe!
In the afternoons it's a little tricky especially if we are out and about on play dates and such, but you sleep very good in your car carrier so it works for now.

Greyson LOVES you so much and kisses you every chance he gets.  You already like to stare at him and are always watching what he's doing when he is in the room with you.

The biggest milestone this month are your BIG smiles and your cooing.  Whenever daddy or myself or Grey talk to get this big grin on your face and start kicking those little legs and your arms start going.  You truly are so sweet.  You have really started cooing too and it's the sweetest little sound.  I love to sing to you and for the time being you don't mind.  In fact, it really puts a smile on your face and you really start cooing right along with me.

You love to be held facing OUT - you don't want to miss a thing.

We give you a bath every other day right now and Grey always has to take one with you.  At first you didn't like being put into the tub and taken out of the tub probably because you were cold but now you DON'T mind one bit and pretty much enjoy a nice warm bubble bath.

You also still have big blue eyes.  I always wonder if they will change.  Daddy has dark brown and mine are blue/green like Grey's.  Only time will tell.

I also can't get over your strength little girl.  At one month you were already holding your head up strong and you still do and now you stand on your feet on our legs every chance you get.

God has blessed me with 2 beautiful babies.  And for now I'm just enjoying all this time I have with them.  Yes I will return to work eventually, but for now I still have a while and I'm going to soak up every minute of it.

We love you so much Sailor Ann.  Happy 2 months baby girl!

and just for fun -  a comparison...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Choo Choo Johnny's

Over the weekend Nate wanted to make it up to Bass Pro Shops which is right up by Naperville.  So we packed up the kiddos and took a ride.  Of course since we were out and about we wanted to do something that Grey would like so we went to Choo Choo Johnny's for lunch.

He liked looking at all the trains, but he really liked playing some of the games.

Wouldn't you know it - my kid catches one stinkin piece of candy the first time.  Then the second time it was 3-ha!  3 too many let me tell you.

Sailor was up and in on the action too while we were there.

After lunch we headed home, but only after Sailor and I did a little shopping in Macy's;)

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Sunday Mornings

that start out like this are THE BEST!

The bright morning sun was just starting to peak in our bedroom and Sails had just gotten up.  Nate started his pot of coffee so you could smell the Hawaiian aroma that Uncle Just sent us all through the house.  He brought his cup of Joe back into bed where the 3 of us snuggled.  We had just gotten off the phone with Grey who had a sleepover at Dee Dee's house and we heard that he went POOP on the potty so he did a really good job and slept in until 6:45!  Yes, that is sleeping "in" for Grey.

Sunday Mornings are meant to be spent like this

with bright eyes taking everything in

We were able to take in our baby girl all morning...

so sweet that Sailor of mine...
Soon after our snuggling, Grey came running in the house and was so happy to see us.  Dee Dee and him brought us dognuts.

The perfect Sunday Morning with extra sprinkles for Grey!

Friday, August 26, 2011

I DON'T want her to Find her Thumb!

Friday Phone Dump

  • Dbabe's (my good friend and cousin) visit home
  • lunch with friends at Moore's (D was craving it)
  • bouncing ball time
  • brushing teeth for mom
  • brushing teeth for Grey
  • bike helmet fun
  • Uncle Alex and Sailor
  • entertaining us with the guitar in the car
  • Mary Rose in Willa Wonka
  • Greyson and Mary
  • grocery shopping at jewel this week
  • more wtih D!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Game on and Truck bought

Well these babies are back on...slowly but surely and

This is Nate's new ride.  He was so sad to let go of that olds but he managed to go through with it.  He went with the GMC canyon.  Ya know leather interior, 4wd, heated seats - all the options.  I also like that it has a crew cab so he can fit both car seats in it.  It's a pretty nice ride and a lot better on gas, which was our main purpose for getting rid of his F150 gas guzzler.

and he couldn't wait to get his Cabela's sticker on;)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This is called...

Sunday evening Tball practice with mommy after a little Garzanelli's and of course one bloody mary later;)

This is called Papa Mike knee deep into some article

This is called - conversation with daddy about who knows what?

This is called - look out Greyson has a hard ball lol!

And yes Greyson has the same outifit on that he wore on Friday night but it was only "half" dirty so hey we threw it back on for Sunday night...what the heck?!  (FYI it has now been washed and back in his closet)

and this is called grammy Ann snuggling with Sailor while Tball was going on...

Monday, August 22, 2011

Date night with Grey and Grammy Ann

My cousin Mary Rose was in the play Willy Wonka and the chocolate factory at stage 212.  So we of course had to go see her in it.  I think she has found her nitch.  She LOVES it!  So, Grey, my mom and I decided to go Friday night.  We had so much fun and Grey loved the play.

Grey said his favorite was the dancing by the oompa loompas-ha!  Every time the curtain would close and it was dark and QUIET he would ask - "mommy where's Mary?" in a loud kinda voice...

Target clearance - remember?!  6 bucks for these it! 

and Grey got some new skates too but I wish I could say his were 6 bucks.;)  Thanks grammy Ann!

too cute nonetheless and they will bring him into fall...

And pics with her grandbabies before we left for the big show...

This is Grey saying "cheeeeeese" - - hmmm wonder where he hears that..ohhhh EVERY SINGLE DAY.?!

And for Sailor...she spent the evening with her daddy...And since you can see it in this picture I thought I would tell about it...can you see Sailor's birthmark/stork bite?  Right under her ear there.  I never even noticed it until we got home from the hospital.  The doctor said it should just keep fading.  Or it might look like a hickie?!  ha!  (least of my worries-right!)

and we heard she was a pretty good girl while we were gone!