
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday's Post

Little words this morning because I'm running a little late.  Just some pics of our life lately.

We have this nice little park right down the street from us, so most afternoons we go there...Sister was all puma'd out;)  Nate had me laughing because he said she looked like a race car driver - haha!

oops not happy...but I couldn't resist...

and this little guy can be found with his wranglers pulled up and his cowboy boots on...

Sister loves a good swing....probably one of the only times she'll sit for something...

This was the other evening after was a little chilly....

They love to ride with Nate on the, I know it's not the safest thing but it's only for a second...long enough for me to take some pics and then they are off...

I wanted a pic with sis but she wasn't having it...

but my little buddy jumped right in my arms...

Happy Thursday!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Fall kind of weekend...

We had a nice layed back kind of weekend.  I was able to get my fall stuff up, clean my house, grade some papers, and hang out with my family.  That usually doesn't ALL get done.  I'm loving this weather.  I had the urge to pull out my pumpkin/spice candle and let that baby burn.

We had a fish fry down at Ernat's Saturday night and I didn't pull my camera out for ONE picture.  I didn't feel like it last night, but today I was sad about it.  We had fried blue gill, crappie, and grilled salmon.  I hesitated to try the salmon but it was delish!  My kids ran around with all the other kids all night.
 Today we lounged a bit, watched the bears game while the kids napped, and then we enjoyed the beautiful weather for a while.

Grey is looking all rugged these days in his new cowboy boots...grammy Ann picked him up a pair at Rural's hilarious - he's worn them just about everyday;)

We decided to do some fishing just as the sun was about to set...we soon found out we weren't catching any fish so we ordered a pizza instead...

But we did play in a little bit of sand...Sailor wasn't to nuts about it...
 This little guy though is always up for an's weird but Grey seems so much more mature just from starting pre-school.  They grow up so fast.  That's why these times are so important.

Sailor was stuck to my leg most of the time...

And yes this would be the delightful 'happy' face that Sailie does....and yes that would be snot running out of her nose and into her mouth...we seem to be having a lot of runny noses around here...

And right before we left, Nate caught a fish...perfect timing...

It felt so good to have my camera out today!!!  As you can see, we have the bears jerseys out and the fall boots on...
 bring on the sunflowers...
Hope you had a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Sailor

Just because she was being a total ham for me - I had to pull out my camera....and snap a few shots of my soon to be 15 month old - say whaaa???

We can officially put sister's hair in piggy that means this mama will be purchasing some more bows;)

The girl LOVES LOVES LOVES her binkies

and LOVES LOVES LOVES her big brother...

and she's into shoes lately...every morning after I get her dressed - she points to her shoes...

Greyson thinks she's pretty funny too  :)

ALL of her teeth seem to be coming in at once...

I just can't get enough of our tootie....we just love her to pieces!

We're over the hump - Happy Wednesday!