
Sunday, April 29, 2012

10 month old Tootie!

and her 'bad' self...

 'On the go' pretty much sums up this month....Sailor is still butt scooting everywhere.  I don't think she is going to crawl.  I think she will go from the scoots to walking.  She's getting pretty fast too, which makes it even funnier to watch her.  She looks like a monkey or something.  But she gets where she wants to go.  From one end of the house to another.  I have had to lock all the cabinets again.  Baby proofing the house has been in full swing for a while now.
 (too busy looking for your brother)

Sailor loves to raid the cupboards while I'm in the kitchen.  I remember when Grey used to do this.  She pulls all my plastic containers out and whatever else she can get her little hands on.

We are still in teething mode for sure.  It has interrupted our sleep just a bit.  Sailor has been a little restless at night, so I usually bring her in our bed to snuggle until she falls back asleep.  She has two bottom teeth so far.

Sailor takes two naps a day.  One at 9 and one at 2.  Usually both are about 2 hours long and she goes down for the night at about 7:30/8 and up at 6:30/7.  She's been sleeping through the night for a little while now, but as I mentioned I think more teeth are making their way through and causing her some discomfort.

She loves food.  She will try anything we give her.  She gets a lot of 'table' food these days.  I am still buying some baby food just to have on hand but for the most part she eats whatever we eat.  She also loves her puffs, cheerios, and loves to 'steal' fruit loops from her brother's bowl;)

Your hair keeps getting longer and longer and still really blonde.  I love the little sprout we have going on top of your head;)  It is always accompanied with a big bow OF COURSE!

You are such a GOOD baby and have been since day one!  You go with the flow for the most part.  We usually leave for the day after your morning nap and you are always ready to go wherever with a smile on your face.

You don't like to get your diaper changed AT all.  You arch your back, kick your legs, and whatever else you can do to get out of it.  This is usually where I call for Grey to help.  My usual words are "Grey come bring Sailey a toy or come talk to Sailor while I change her diaper" and that really helps!  Needless to say, your face LIGHTS up when you see your big brother.  Especially in the morning when he climbs in your crib with go CRAZAY!  I love watching the two of you.  It's the best!

But you also don't back down from your brother which cracks us the heck up!  If he has a toy and you want have no problem scooting right up to him and trying to snatch it and vice versa if you have a toy and he tries taking it from you - you put a death grip on the thing and start with this high squawking sound-ha! will learn the rules soon enough;)  He is so good with you though!
(nothing like sitting on a bench covered in bird poop -right?!)

You have started to pull yourself up on things, but your legs are not quite strong enough so it makes me nervous when I catch you doing that.

I usually bring you to grandmas house for your morning nap during the week while I go to the Y.  But you still LOVE it when you see me again.  Your face lights up with the biggest smile for your mama!  What can I say, we're pretty tight me and you!

 I laugh though because I call you a little scavenger because you are one of those that puts EVERYTHING in your mouth.  Grey never did this like you.  I like to compare because it's funny how different kids can be.  I am constantly 'fishing' things out of your mouth.  YOu've already chewed on countless leaves, rocks, and have tasted sand and dirt;)

You are still a babbling machine but your favorite word is say it constantly.  I can get a ma-ma on occasion but not like da-da.  You also say ba-ba for bottle and a ton of other mumbo jumbo words.

You LOVE to dance!  Usually when I make lunch or supper Greyson turns my ipod on and the three of us have a dance party in the kitchen.  You clap your hands to the beat - I think it's amazing the rhythm you have already;)  Don't worry, it won't be too long until I have you in dance classes;)  But, we should probably learn to walk first;)  (I'm sure all of you would love to see one of these dance parties - we really let loose sometimes-ha! - maybe I will have Nate record one sometime)  Even I find myself peeing my pants over some of Grey's moves...

You are so full of energy....and just FULL of yourself in general!  So full of PERSONALITY and we LOVE it!  It's so fun to watch!

Can you tell yet that sister loves her puffs?!

Happy 10 months tootie fruitie!  We love you so much!

A few videos for your enjoyment...She has the deepest voice...deeper than her brother-ha!

this is how tootie gets around...(sorry they are blurry)

and one more...

Friday, April 27, 2012

A Day at the Children's Museum

The other day we decided to go with our friends Kathy and Landon to the Children's museum.  It was a rainy day so it was perfect.  Originally we were going to do the zoo but after checking the weather we thought our best bet would be something indoors.  Nate had the day off so he stayed home with Sailor.

Greyson was very patient while waiting for his turn in the tractor.

Landon says let's milk a cow, shall we?!

Let's measure ourselves and compare with the corn...

Not sure what this was supposed to be?

Greyson magnified if you will ;)

these little boys of ours are getting brave...

Static Electricity...we were trying to get his whole head of hair to stick up...

Then I gave it a whirl...the guy told me to put both hands on the ball and then all my hair would stick up...well guess what?  it didn't work!

Fun with all the mirrors...

how about football/hockey player?

Kathy and I concluded that the water exhibit is always a FAVORITE for kids!

most kid just love water, don't they?!

As of right now Grey wants to be a crane operator...

Landon made sure he had his hard hat on.

We ended the day with a little dress up.

Great day with friends for sure!

Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A little hike...

Last week we took advantage of the beautiful weather and took the kids on a little hike out at Mathiessen State Park.

We picked up some subway and had a picnic before we started our hike.

We strapped the baby bjorn on Nate and off we went...

looking down with my zoom lens made me dizzy...

Grey insisted on bringing his binoculars and it didn't bother him one bit that he really couldn't see out of them-ha!

 hand in hand with his daddy...perfect;)

making our way across the bridge...

and slowly but surely we were making our way down to the waterfall...

Grey thought it was pretty cool that he could see the bridge that he was just on...

playing like boys do...diggin' in dirt and jumpin' over logs;)

Making their way across a little creek...

and we finally made it to the waterfall

Nate thought he'd be a 'show off' and go all the way over by the waterfall....the kids and I watched;)...CLOSELY

he was really getting risky and even went behind it for the kids....Grey was squealing-ha!

See him behind there....we were proud of him;)

and then he slowly made his way back to us...

After that it was the dreaded hike back UP...

Grey made it up the first set of steps...We tried to push him to go further by telling him it was Jedi training...but it didn't work and he proceeded to sit on the steps...Nate and I could not stop laughing...

So I held Sailor and Nate took Grey...Both of us got a pretty good workout and both kids fell asleep on the ride home...that's always a good sign that it was a good day...