
Saturday, April 21, 2012

HyVee was Happenin' Today

I get a text this morning from my Aunt Amy saying..."are you going to the carnival at HyVee today?"  My reply was that I knew nothing about it.  But trust me if there is a mini carnival going on nearby, this mama will be right up with her two babes in tow.  Nice way to take up our Saturday morning.  So we did just that.  I got all three of us ready - showered, fed, teeth brushed, and I had make-up on.  That's always a + when I am able to get myself ready;)

First we went to an open house to check out the floor plan.  Nate and I are looking into building a house.  I have not mentioned it yet, because there has been A LOT of paperwork thus far.  So, obviously this is a topic that deserves its own post and when I know more I'll share details.  Hopefully within a month we will be getting the ball rolling.  Yes exciting news -i wish i could share more but that's all there is to tell at the moment. 

Then right after that it was straight to HyVee....$10 later Grey and Livy had 20 tickets to use up...
But, first things first - FREE snow cones...what is it about the word free that always 'gets' you...

My tiniest little gem even tried some...That Sails she'll try anything you give her:)

Onto a few games...

While this one was still perfectly content with her blue snow cone...

I was a little nervous about the spin ride because Grey has never been on a ride like this...but he was all about it and did pretty good...

See...he was wavin' everytime he passed us...I'd say he handled it well for his first time...


last stop...the ponies...

Good morning fun for the kids...


  1. Can't wait to hear more about your new house...exciting! :)

  2. Thanks Jackie! I can't wait until I have MORE news to share..ha!

  3. fun! i knew all about it and avoided it at all costs. lol. SOOOO exciting about building!!! where???

  4. How exciting about building! Looking forward to hearing more about it!!
