
Monday, October 31, 2011

What's on the menu?

A hamburger and a hot dog!  Yummy:)

Yes this would be the original plan for Halloween.

However, the hot dog bunting was very ill fitting

and Grey preferred the dragon...

It was pretty cute though

 See, can you tell how much Grey liked it?!  ha!

Yeah not so much and look at poor Sailor in there - can't even stick out her whole face - ha!

So back to the dragon it was today...we started our lil' Halloween celebration early by dressing up and visiting grammy Ann at work...She loves when I bring the kids to see her.  Grey got to ring the 'special' bell...

and the dragon ends up with another ring pop...

As for me I'm rockin' my Halloween socks today....and getting in the spirit...(i know i won't get too out of control - I promise;)

Hope all of you have a safe and Happy Halloween:)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Story Time at Starved Rock

Starved Rock had some halloween story time going on so we decided to check it out.  It is a typical fall day here today.  Wind is blowing and the leaves are falling and I have a roast in the crock pot for later.

Since it was last minute that we decided to go I just put Grey's costume in the car with us and dressed him when we got out there.

These were pics I snapped of him before we left.  I ordered this hat for him off zulily.  Isn't it cute?!

 Arriving out at the Rock and heading in...Livy joined us too!

Nate had to use the ramp because of the stroller....

Inside, settled, and listening to the story for a WHOLE 2 minutes if that-ha!

Aunt Amy entertained Sally...

The storyteller!

Livy had the perfect seat...

After story time we explored for just a bit

Then it was time to head out but Grey and Livy both got least we have something to show for it.

It started to rain as we were leaving so Nate started to run...

Grey thought it was funny...

as soon as both kids were settled in their carseats they fell asleep.

and even though they don't play today - here is the newest little bears fan...

and just for the record these smiles were ALL for her daddy<3

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Trick -or- Treat!

This morning we headed downtown to do some trick -or-treating.  All the stores were handing out candy.  They had music going, a costume contest, hayrack rides, and games.  However, it was not the best morning at our house.  We had a "few" tantrums and almost missed out on the fun, but we made it.
(this face pretty much sums up the morning I had)

 He kept saying...'but mommy my bag's not all filled yet' - ay-yi-yi...

and yes it's Sally in her carseat:)  She stayed warm, cozy, and content in there...

He thoroughly enjoyed his ring pop

Silly almost 3 year old dragon;)

Pocahontas was trick - or - treating too!

oh...and so was Annie!

and she's always my lil' pumpkin!

My dragon was exhausted and so was my pumpkin.  They are currently both napping.

Friday, October 28, 2011

4 months old

Sailor you are 4 months old already.  You are the sweetest thing ever and we love you so very much.

I thought you had a voice at 3 months, well you should hear yourself now.  The babble is music to my ears.  The babbling really starts in the morning when you wake up.  I peak over at you in the bassinet and you start kicking and waving your arms and squealing.  It's the best! 

You have also started to roll over on occasion.  There is no leaving you on the changing table to grab something anymore.

You of course get fussy but as soon as that starts I usually nurse you, make sure you have a fresh diaper on, and then put you down.  And trust me you are NOT the easiest cookie to put to sleep.  It takes a little hoaxing.

You have also started to laugh out loud.  The other day we were at grandma Joyce's house and I was tickling you and you let out this belly laugh.  It was the sweetest thing.

I am trying to do a lot of belly time with you because I don't want your head to get flat-lol!

You still suck on your fingers CONSTANTLY!

And whenever I have you in your bouncy seat you really grab at your toys in front of you.

You usually go down between 7 and 8pm for the night.  You are still getting up twice to nurse and then you usually get up around 6:30-6:45 in the morning and then back down for your first nap at 8-8:30.  I wish you would start sleeping through the night, but no luck yet.

4 months old Sailor Ann...I can't believe it.

Happy 4 months baby girl.  We love you.