
Monday, October 24, 2011

God Bless our Baby Girl...

It happened again.  Our forces came together and it was a beautiful day.  A day for our sweet baby girl to be baptized.  Nate kept calling her "you lil' catholic girl" for the day-lol!

It was also extra special because my mom and Uncle Just are her godparents.  We waited until now so that Just could actually be here for the baptism.  He is out in Hawaii doing his residency and is home for the week.  It really was such a nice day and the weather was just beautiful.

What better mix - both your grammy and godmother...

Grammy Ann and Papa Mike and their lil' girl...

special little momentos

A special thank you to Aunt Amy who made these shoes for Sailor.  She spent so much time on them.  Perfect for the lil' fashionista that she is.  Sparkle toes for sure.

So glad Uncle Just was here with us!

The Ernat kids!

And wouldn't you know it we head into church and in the middle of the ceremony Sailor has a big 'blow-out' in her diaper...ahh-yi-yi...

I assure you our son was there but he was a wild man to say the least yesterday.

I can't remember what was so funny;)

This was the only part where Sailor cried.  The water was pretty cold actually.

Den and Megan also joined us for the day which was soooo nice of them to drive down to be with us.

and this would be me cranking Grey's head forward and keeping it there because he did NOT want to take a picture.

The Ernat clan...

My family of 4!

The Riva clan...

Grandma Joyce and Grandpa Hank

and after church we headed out for some lunch where Nate made a toast to his baby girl and to our wonderful families...


After lunch it was back to grammy Ann's for some cocktails, coffee, and's that trio for you?!

and in between all the 'togetherness'....there were these...a lil' taste of heaven - mini cheesecakes...but not just any cheesecake - they were like melt in your mouth cheesecake.

Uncle Just and Auntie Mims got Sailor this blanket.

The little things for Sailor's special day.  Shoes from Aunt Amy, headband made by mommy, and necklace and bracelet from Great grandma Joyce.

The guest of honor. 
 The gown Sailor wore is over 50 years old and was made by my great Grandma Mary.  My mom was the first to wear it for her baptism and has been passed down to each and every one of us in the family.  It is very special and so much meaning behind it.

After pics in her gown, it was time to change into comfy clothes and some snuggle time with Aunt Kathy.

Once again, we are so thankful that Just was home from Hawaii and able to actually be here for Sailor's baptism.

The rest of the day was spent outside enjoying the beautiful weather and spending time with loved ones.

and listening to some of DeeDee's funny stories.

Fun with Auntie Mims...

Sailor is blessed beyond measure and someday she will know just how much.

Thank you to everyone who shared in our day.  It's a wonderful thing when we all come together.


  1. Awwwww she is SO beautiful, Alicia! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her sparkle shoes. Looks like it was a very memorable day!

  2. absolutely gorgeous ... sailor, your family and the whole day of pics!

  3. love those shoes! You are a very blessed girl Sailor Ann!

  4. Thank you so much for the sweet sweet comments. You are all so kind!
