
Monday, October 31, 2011

What's on the menu?

A hamburger and a hot dog!  Yummy:)

Yes this would be the original plan for Halloween.

However, the hot dog bunting was very ill fitting

and Grey preferred the dragon...

It was pretty cute though

 See, can you tell how much Grey liked it?!  ha!

Yeah not so much and look at poor Sailor in there - can't even stick out her whole face - ha!

So back to the dragon it was today...we started our lil' Halloween celebration early by dressing up and visiting grammy Ann at work...She loves when I bring the kids to see her.  Grey got to ring the 'special' bell...

and the dragon ends up with another ring pop...

As for me I'm rockin' my Halloween socks today....and getting in the spirit...(i know i won't get too out of control - I promise;)

Hope all of you have a safe and Happy Halloween:)


  1. Oh. my. gosh. The hamburger and hotdog costumes are so stinkin' cute!! Grey looks much happier as a dragon, though!
