
Thursday, October 13, 2011


Saturday we piled in the van with all the baby gear and took the kids to the pumpkin patch.  Nothing says fall like Boggios, pumpkins, haystacks, farm animals, and we must never forget the fresh homeade dognuts.  The. Best!  I just wish pumpkins were a little cheaper.  Don't you?

We started with the pony rides.  Grey was all for it, but Jayne would NOT so she just watched.

And yes this is what Sailor did the majority of the time.  She.Was.Out.

Fun in the jumpy house.

Then we checked out the tractors.

Then a little tricky getting off the tractors.

Jayne and her sparkly gold shoes.  Looks like a true tractor girl, eh?

Then they had this cool jumpy thing.  I say jumpy thing because I'm not really sure what it was and I've never seen it out there before.  But it was cool and the kids loved it.

Ok time for shoes to be put back on...

and yes just to show you this one is still sleeping;)

haystack fun

Jayne found a ladybug

and then into have some corn fun -Not a good place for people with allergies;)

How sweet is this?!  They were walking to the animal farm.

This was probably their favorite part.

And then it was onto some lunch

Nothin' like a good burger.

and a sprite to wash it down...a Saturday treat

2 peas in a pod.

and look who decided to wake up while the rest of the crew was on a tractor ride...

Uncle Alex being funny with that camera in his face...

Sailor was definitely all dressed up for the pumpkin patch

We had lots of fun and both of them picked some pumkins.  So glad we were able to do this with our sweet little Jayne!

I Love Fall!


  1. Really cute pics! Especially the cousins holding hands.

    We went to a pumpkin patch today and they had one of those "jumpy things" too...they called it a jumping pillow! :)

  2. perfect fall pics! the kids are just way too cute! that "jumpy thing" is pretty cool, my kids loved it and YES the pumpkins are kinda pricey, i totally agree :/
