
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Casually Simple

That's what our weekend was.

Greyson brought me these Saturday morning after working out at Dee Dee's house.  Wrapped in foil and brought home with love.  The simple things that make my day a whole lot better.

I woke up Saturday morning with a big ol' ambitious list of things to do, but nothing seemed to get done.  I did fit in a work out and washed the bed sheets.  However, reading photoshop tutorials during nap time was much more appealing than cleaning.

Other than that we relaxed and played the toddler way.

and this little girl has started blowing raspberies.

Saturday night my mom and dad took the kids and Nate and I had date night.  Always so nice!

then Sunday morning was church followed by the grocery store

and off to Dee Dee's for Sunday night dinner.

Sailor has been grabbing and grabbing like crazy at her toys.  She's getting quite the little grip.  I had to take her for shots yesterday.  I don't ever like having to do that.  She screamed terribly which I was expecting but then was fine the second I picked her up.  She was exhausted by the time we got home.

Casually Simple it was and now onto 'ambitious' for this week.

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