
Monday, November 30, 2009

Just the RIGHT one!!!

Yesterday we went to get our Christmas tree. Actually, last year was our first Christmas with Grey and so we thought it was the perfect year for a REAL Christmas tree. Before that we had an artificial tree and although we always loved that one with all our special ornaments on it from our wedding and such there really is NOTHING like a real tree at Christmas. I love the smell and it just looks awesome. So, we went to Home Depot yep Home Depot folks...we didn't have time to go to a fancy tree farm, but it did just what we needed....We got a Frasier Furr which is my favorite...Nate was laughing in this picture because there we were at Home Depot and I pull out my camera and start takin' away and he was cracking up....the workers were smilin' at us too!!!

Here it is...

Grey wanted to help pull the cart...

But then he spotted a big blow-up snow man and off he went...

Okay time to check out...

It really is funny watching Grey with all this "new" stuff up at the house...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

CHRISTMAS is up...

at the Ernat house! Yesterday we spent the day putting up our Christmas decorations. Let's just say Grey looked pretty happy when he saw all of these NEW things to look at and "play" with... Now, all we have to do is get our real tree for our back family room!

Grey really liked looking at all the nutcrackers yesterday....Nate has a collection of them because he has gotten one every year since he's been Grey's age so it's pretty cool to put them up and we have started the same tradition with Greyson. St. Nick usually drops off a Nutcracker for dad and Grey...We will be sure to let you know which ones they get this year...

There's those beads again and a shoe this time...He looks so determined here...

Trying to get some pics outside by our Christmas lights. Nate did the outside!

We were hungry after working all day so we headed to Bianchi's for some pizza!

Then we came home and crashed....but only after I got some pics of Grey in his cool T-shirt from Uncle Just!

Nate wanted to make sure I got a pic of our Little fisherman!

Okay Grey...time for bed...especially since you decided to skip your afteroon nap yesterday!

Bad hair after wearin' that hat! (lol)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Beads Beads, Remotes Remotes, Cell Phones Cell Phones...

Seriously I don't even know where these beads came from. They somehow made it into one of Greyson's toy boxes and he LOVES them. I am not even kidding kid has something with these beads, remotes, and cell phones. As I have mentioned before he has NO balance skills what-so-ever but he still manages to always be HOLDING one of these things in his hands when he walks. Here is a photo shoot with those 'fabulous' beads...

And yes I need to put away Grey's trick-or-treat bag...but he likes to put his beads in it and walk around (hah!)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving at the New House 2009

We had a wonderful day yesterday. NOT too much to say about it. We were with the people we love, great food to eat, and alcohol to drink (LOL)... We were out at Ernat's new house and it looked great....Deb had everything PERFECT! The boys hit up some Oglesby bars in the morning and the women hung out at Deb's and drank our mamosa's and wine. It was a lot of fun. However, I did take a lot of pics but do you ever feel you just didn't get one good pic?!?!? It was just kinda one of those days. And Grey did not want to cooperate he was just on the here are the one's I have....

Aunt Diane

Tryin' to give me wine

This says it all....huh papa?!?!

Grey like the cooler

hah! I love those legs that have been workin' so hard lately

There he goes

Livy was takin pics for me too!

The head ma' and pa'

Papa Mike