
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mommy and Grey go to the Park!

Yesterday, I took the afternoon off. It was a pretty nice day. The whole other part of the week was rainy and cloudy so Grey and I thought we should take advantage of the sunshine and get some fresh air...We just took a walk to the park near our house. It was kinda lonely there though, but I guess the other weekend when we went it was mid 60s...a Sunday afternoon....and quite a bit of other kids there.....But, not this time.....this time it was just mommy and Grey which of course I didn't mind at was just quiet! And Grey was a little crabby but it was getting close to nap time. Ebby joined us too!

Here's me trying to get a photo of us....I am not that good at trying to take the picture and being in it too! But, you moms know sometimes you want yourself in the pic since you are always the one taking know?!?!? Take 1

Take 2

Walkin' at the park...

cryin' at the park...

poutin' at the park...

climbin' at the park...

Okay, I'll sit for 1/2 a second mom so you can take a pic of me....

swingin' at the park...

hair blowin' at the park...

sneezin' at the park....

back to cryin' at the!

Onto the tires...

Okay shows over time to continue on our walk...

Grey and I had a delightful afternoon....Just mommy and Grey! I loved it!!!

And here are just some video clips I took of Grey at the park...

I just love him soooooooooooo much!!! xoxoxoxo

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