
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Our big "23" Week Ultrasound!

Dear "Peanut",

Yesterday, on March 7, 2011 we had our big "23" week ultrasound with you!  I aka your mama was a little nervous because of what happened with your big brother at his 20 week ultrasound.  I had to go with a full bladder and there was some type of emergency and I had to wait for over an hour or so.  So, needless to say I was VERY uncomfortable.  However, this time I drank my water, we showed up for our appt. at 12:45 and we were in the room by 1:00 with our ultrasound tech who was so good!  Your daddy and I could NOT wait to see you on screen.  We were going to bring your big brother, but at about 11:00 he asked to go in his crib (he was kinda sleep deprived from the weekend) and so grandma Dee Dee came over to watch him.

Like I was saying, our ultrasound tech was amazing and so very nice.  She kept telling us what a beautiful, little angel you were.  She showed us your "beautiful" heart, brain, kidneys and all other major organs.  Every time she needed a picture of something it was right there bright and clear.  You were very "cooperative"!  She said with the looks of your ultrasound you should be a pretty calm/chill baby! hah!  We shall see.  We also did not find out what you were yesterday (meaning boy or girl)......Your daddy and I want to be surprised!  We both thought that we would cave on knowing, but we stayed strong!  You already are truly amazing.  We were able to see your two beautiful arms and hands and your two beautiful legs and feet.  The tech had us laughing because in one of the 3D pics your first toe looked really big.  And soon you will come to find out that your daddy has one big heck of a "big" toe!  We could have sat there for another hour just watching you worm and wiggle inside of me.  You are truly an angel and we can't wait to meet you.  But, for now you are doing a wonderful job of growing and getting prepared for the outside world that awaits you.  We are prepping your big brother everyday.  We constantly remind him of the baby brother/baby sister that will be here very soon.  No worries, he will be a great big brother to you!!!

Us before we left for the ultrasound

23 weeks...

Our family of 4....

and here is our peanut in 3D....we tried to compare it with Greyson's but it was hard to tell.  Look at that little nose.  I swear that IS nate's nose for sure....

You truly are so amazing...

This is the picture they called you a gymnast in.....your legs are up in the air by your head....silly baby and that is the umbilical cord in between the legs...

I'm so glad you are right on target Peanut!  We love you!


  1. Oh my goodness! Those 3D pictures are amazing! What a sweet little face! :)

  2. wahoo! on baby 2!!! if it's a girl I hope you still do cool videos saying things especially for cousin D :)

  3. how super sweet! so glad all is going so well! :)

  4. Amazing! I think that sweet, little face looks like big brother!


  5. When Should You Get a 3D Ultrasound
    Women often have at least two or three ultrasounds during the course of their pregnancy. It is best to get a 3D ultrasound between 24 weeks and 28 weeks gestation because the baby will be fully developed and have fat under their skin without being squished in the womb. After 30 weeks gestation the baby is difficult to take pictures of because they are too crowded in the womb. A baby at less than 20 weeks gestation doesn't have fat under their skin so it is difficult to see what their facial features will actually look like and open time : M-F 10am-8pm Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm. 4d ultrasound


  6. When Should You Get a 3D Ultrasound
    Women often have at least two or three ultrasounds during the course of their pregnancy. It is best to get a 3D ultrasound between 24 weeks and 28 weeks gestation because the baby will be fully developed and have fat under their skin without being squished in the womb. After 30 weeks gestation the baby is difficult to take pictures of because they are too crowded in the womb. A baby at less than 20 weeks gestation doesn't have fat under their skin so it is difficult to see what their facial features will actually look like and open time : M-F 10am-8pm Saturday and Sunday 10am-4pm. 4d ultrasound
