
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So I don't forget...

these little 2 year old hands in mine

this profile i adore

these eyes that look into mine that melt my heart every time

a young stud and his toys

a little two year old I like to call mine...all dressed up and ready for his big Saturday night out which included church and out to eat......a little Garzanelli's if you will...(This past weekend Uncle Just was home and we all went out to eat - good times)

and I must not forget our ghetto field trip to Pet Smart Tuesday night-hah! (pics taken with phone)

So as i write this from the lap top (because surprise surprise we are still without our computer and i'll just keep informing you until we get it back-lol!) it is Fat Tuesday and so I did treat myself and Baby to a Paczki today which is a polish doughnut.  It's a "polish" tradition to eat one on Fat Tuesday right befor the fasting begins....And, so this leads me to my next question.  What are some of you doing for the lenten season?


  1. Love your nails, Grey is stinkin adorable. I love Petsmart...nothing ghetto about it! Was the paczki good? Ive never been into donuts of any kind. This lenten season we are first and foremost getting back into the church mode. We did good last year and fell off. Now is the time to get back, it's not about us but our faith. :) Luv ya!

  2. giving up chocolate here. not looking forward to it. thankfuly carrot cake and peanut butter girl scout cookies got me thru the first day, haha.

  3. giving up soda & candy (taking a deep breath, ha!) but most importantly doing little things as a family to go above and beyond and grow in our faith! ;)
