
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Buddy Boy and updates

Well for starters, Greyson is FINALLY back to his sweet self.  I am telling you whatever he had was one NASTY bug. 

Greyson still goes to school 2 days a week with Miss Sue at Oglesby.  Yesterday they had a screening for infants and toddlers.  Grey was tested but he was SO SHY with the lady.  He had to do things like his animal sounds, build a tower, put cheerios in a tiny jar and dump them out, name different animals and so on.  My mom had me laughing because I guess he called the dog a wolf because it really looked like a wolf.  Here's me - now mom it wasn't like a wiener dog that he was calling a wolf was it? hah!  But actually my mom said it really looked like a wolf more than a dog.  And he called the bird with big wings an eagle.  So go Grey!  Like I was saying though he was really shy so he was pretty much whispering to the lady that was testing him and he still tested really really good.  He can sing his ABC's and he can count, but of course he would not do that at all.  He also knows his shapes but he was not asked about those.  My mom also had me laughing because as they were leaving my mom says have a nice day and then Grey goes "have a nice day"....the lady was like I knew he could!

On another note, now Nate has not been feeling good.  I think he caught whatever bug Grey had so he has been laying low.

As for me I went for my check up yesterday with Baby Ernat and everything seems to be going good.  The heartbeat yesterday was 158.  I am hearing from people more and more that they think it's a girl, but I still don't have a gut feeling on this one.

Here are some pics of Greyson and his sweet ol' self last night before bed time!

He's my lovie!

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