
Sunday, November 29, 2009

CHRISTMAS is up...

at the Ernat house! Yesterday we spent the day putting up our Christmas decorations. Let's just say Grey looked pretty happy when he saw all of these NEW things to look at and "play" with... Now, all we have to do is get our real tree for our back family room!

Grey really liked looking at all the nutcrackers yesterday....Nate has a collection of them because he has gotten one every year since he's been Grey's age so it's pretty cool to put them up and we have started the same tradition with Greyson. St. Nick usually drops off a Nutcracker for dad and Grey...We will be sure to let you know which ones they get this year...

There's those beads again and a shoe this time...He looks so determined here...

Trying to get some pics outside by our Christmas lights. Nate did the outside!

We were hungry after working all day so we headed to Bianchi's for some pizza!

Then we came home and crashed....but only after I got some pics of Grey in his cool T-shirt from Uncle Just!

Nate wanted to make sure I got a pic of our Little fisherman!

Okay Grey...time for bed...especially since you decided to skip your afteroon nap yesterday!

Bad hair after wearin' that hat! (lol)

1 comment:

  1. Love the Christmas tree shopping photos. I was cracking up only you would bust out the camera at Home Depot, however, it was good to capture the moment! Turkey day pics look good too. Looks like Grey is a walking machine!!! Hope you have a great Post Turkey day week! Talk to you soon!!!
