
Monday, November 2, 2009

Your 1st Birthday Party...

was sooooooooooooooooooo awesome Grey!!! We had all our family and our closest friends there to celebrate the day with us and of course we made it all about YOU!
Grammy Joyce and Grandpa Hank made their fabulous vegetable soup and Papa Davey made chili. We had bread bowls for the soup, lots of appetizers, hot dogs for the kiddos, and of course lots of yummy cake! Grammy Ann even made hot cider and it was soooo good. I took soooooooo many pictures. This is not all of them but A LOT of them!

Mommy and Grey by his fabulous cake...

Grammy Joyce givin Grey his binkie...

The cake

Grey's OWN spot

Grey's pinata and the favor table for the kiddos with all the balloons...

Grey's little own "show" table

Grandpa Hank

Tryin' to get all the decorations in there

Grey's own "smash" cake which by the way he ate the WHOLE thing...yes every bite...he loved his had us all was pretty funny...

Then we set up your house "jumpy" house that I brought over to grammy's love your house with all the tunnels...the other kiddos did too!

Playin' with papa Mike inside your house

These were all your fabulous presents

The Witek clan


Then we thought before we gave you your cake and sang to you we better open up presents...and then make a did like ripping up the paper...

A fresh new bears outfit

Look at all your new stuff...Grammy Ann kept saying if this was your birthday....what the heck was Christmas going to be like?!?!?

Water break

This was the adorable hat you got from Grammy Joyce

Then it was on to sing and to dive into that cake and that's just exactly what you did! I mean you demolished that thing

See I told you that you were double fistin' it Grey

Then we stuck you in the tub and it was back to the party for a little bit and then you crashed...

But not for long because when you woke up we brought out the pinata that you pulled apart and raided through the candy. You of course did NOT eat the candy but you liked crawling through it!

Livy helped get the candy out too!

He does have a the booger nose that he's got goin' on?!?!?

These were the favors Grey and mommy did for all the kiddos!

And these were the cute rain boots from Aunt Diane and Uncle Dick...they are from Janie and Jack....they are so so cute...this was when we got home...we were checkin' out all our new stuff...

ANd we were going through all our new was so much fun!

All in all it was truly just a great day to be with our family and friends and to celebrate Grey's 1st Birthday. I will get up the videos hopefully tomorrow!
We could not have asked for a better party. And a special thanks to grammy Ann and papa Mike for having it at their house. Our house is just a little small to have a party like we needed for the first BIG ONE anyway!


  1. Looks like it was a GREAT party!!! Happy 1st Birthday Grey!!

  2. happy first birthday greyson lee!!! you are a very loved and blessed boy! here's to many many many more!
    love - elena & adelyn

  3. Happy 1st Birthday Greyson! We love you so much! Love, Grammy Deb, Papa Davey, Auntie Mims, and Uncle Just!
