
Tuesday, November 3, 2009

On your actual Birthday...November 2nd, 2009

On your actual birthday November 2nd, 2009 your mommy and daddy made sure they took off work so that we could spend the whole day as a FAMILY and that's just what we did. We started the morning with breakfast at Starbucks. We didn't even change you out of your PJ's. enjoyed and egg, sausage, and cheese sandwich and some organic whole milk, which we are currently drinking and Liking these days. Then we headed home where you went down for your morning nap at 9am and slept all the way until NOON! We think you slept that long because you were so tired from your BIG party the day before.
When you awoke from your nap we got you all ready in your birthday gear and headed to the park. It was such a beautiful fall day. It was 59 degrees and sunny. So, we had a picnic in the park. ON your first birthday you enjoyed some chicken nuggets from McDonalds and some cheetos. Yes, we let it all go since it was your birthday. You really did enjoy the park. We went to Centennial just so you know. Then after the park....I did NOT want to do this but we had to take you for the H1N1 shot. Yes, I know it just happened to be on your birthday. So, all three of us headed out to IVCC where the clinic was and all three of us were vaccinated for the H1N1. You cried only for a minute and then we gave you your binkie that you LOVE so much. You really did not get an afternoon nap because it took a very long time out at IV for our shots. Surprisingly you were still in a really good mood!
After that we came home....fed you grammy Joyce's fresh vegetable soup and you did have some green beans that you love so much too. And, then of course after supper a birthday would not be complete without singing to you. So, we sang Happy Birthday to you and you were able to enjoy another piece of cake which again for the second day in a row you gobbled it all up and ate every last bite! You definitely have your mommy's sugar tooth according to dad...that is...I think we have had enough sugar in the last two days to last us a loooooooooooooooong time. Back to our normal diet today! hah!

This is what you looked like on the way to! Not too many people can wear PJ's, a leather coat, and a puppy dog hat and look as CUTE as you did...

We even put you in your birthday hat to go to the park...

You and daddy enjoying some lunch...

Trying to get a shot of all three of US

Fun on the swings

Fun on the slide

Getting ready for supper....I had to wear my new "chicks dig me" bib from cousin Den

I was such a GOOD little cake eater

Then I took a bath and was all clean again...

Then to end the night you and daddy vacuumed the house for mommy and yes we still had to put you in your hat. We were livin' this day up with every last drop


  1. Sounds like a fantastic day! Other than the shot of course, but what a great birthday. You will remember it always. Happy Day Grey!

  2. Great story, the day turned out fantastic...Poor Nate though, really you made him vacuum??? Just kidding seriously I am just kidding I would have done the same darn thing LOL Luv ya cuz!!!
