
Friday, November 20, 2009

Aquatics for TOTS night 2!

Wednesday night we did end up going back to swim class. It is actually a really cute class! We also put Grey in a different pair of trunks and he looked much more "fit" in these. My parents actually bought him these a couple summers ago when they were down in Florida and they happened to be 12 months so I think we will stick with the palm trees for swim class from now on!

Anyway, when we got there Wednesday Grey once again was a little uneasy. When he first entered the water he was my kid was the only one with a binkie in his mouth (lol!) for the first part of class...until he was able to pull it together that is and then we took it out and he was able to get through class quite well. He especially likes floating on his back for the time being. And I don't think he is too sure about the hokey pokey yet but he likes row row row your boat especially when daddy makes "the Boat" go fast Grey gets a big grin on his's funny!

Then after swim class we came home and Grey ate some chicken, peas, and some apples. He really gobbled up the peas, which made me happy. He kept spitting out the apples though.....Lately my kid and fruit don't mix. The other day I cut up blueberries and strawberries and added just a touch of sugar thinking he would just love it....WRONG....he barely put his tongue to the berries.....He must have been hungry from his work out in swim!

there's that binkie....the little stinker!!!

Grey's cool board...aka "the Boat" that rows so fast...

he likes floating on his back...

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