
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dog sitting

Well we are dogsitting this weekend for my parents!  Grammy and Papa Riva went to visit with Auntie Georgia, Uncle Adam, and Jayne, so Ebby came to stay with us for a couple of days.  Let's just say this should be interesting because Grey has started to take some naughty interest in Ebby.  Ebby truly is the best dog and has never once even looked at Grey the wrong way, but Grey has started to kind of pull Ebby's tail and give her hugs when really Ebby just wants to be left alone.  So, my mom calls last night to "check" in on her dog and asks how everything is going....I said it was going pretty good and Grey was just kind of following chasing her around the was like he had a new friend on his territory and he was showing her the ropes...and my mom proceeds to ask..."is there anywhere HIGH Ebby can go so Grey can't get at her"...I did get a chuckle out of this and then replied to my mother with i don't know mom maybe she can try on top of the couch...but don't worry Ebby and Grey will both do great!  Oh my mother and her dog! lol!  Anyway here's how it went down...

We started with some "getting used" to a dog here and showing Ebby the ropes on Grey's turf...See look at that... the stinker with his hands behind his back like he's just doing "nothing"

Check out this duo...This is MO and SHMO for the weekend

Don't worry Ebby it will be alright

Okay Buddy this is my turf...whatcha think?  They were giving eachother the stare down...

Come on I'll show you more ..................or it's like the soundtrack in JAWS-dun da dun dun dun

Alright I'll just give you one little pat on the back

and a hug

and one more

Then it was onto dinner...which any dog loves because you have a toddler in a high chair throwing you food...however Grey has been on a huge melon kick....any type of melon that is and frankly Ebby could careless about melon!  She wanted chicken!  Grandpa Hank says Grey is going to turn into a melon with how much he likes it:) (cantaloupe, honey dew, watermelon--you name it my kid is crazy for it)


and one more

then it was time for I tried this as a joke and to see what Grey would think...He didn't mind one Ebby on the other hand she wanted out...

But she did make herself comfy for the time being

and so did Grey

and then Grey even went as far as to cover her up...he's such a sweet boy...

But that didn't last very long a whole 2 it was out for Ebby and bed time for Grey!  We shall see what today brings with this duo!

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