My mom said it the other day.... "Grey just has a great personality" and he does.....He really is a good little boy that we enjoy so much every single day! He's still a babbling machine and has his very own special language....he is adding words here and there.....and he's still "on the go" to say the least....he absolutely LOVES all the things boys should love....he likes cars, trucks, loves the garbage truck, and school buses. Loves to be in the dirt and outside running around. Likes to watch daddy cut the grass too! Whenever we are over ernat's house he loves to go for rides on the golf cart with his papa Davey and when he's at the Riva's house he torments Papa Mike to go into the garage and pull out the garbage can-lol! and if he's in a garage...yes any garage where there's a lawn mower you can usually find him climbing on it :) Grey is a pretty good eater too....no complaining from him...he usually eats whatever you give him! Really the two times Greyson gets "crabby" is when he's hungry and when he's tired.....we have really noticed how crabby he gets when he's hungry......but I guess that makes me crabby too! We are currently in transition from two naps a day to one.....however somedays are tricky because Grey could still use two...but we are trying it out and plus with summer right around the corner I really want him taking one long nap in the pm but we shall see! He still loves to be read to and his favorite books are any kind with trucks in it where we point and tell him what each kind is! He also still LOVES his binkie! They are all for "night" "night" time we tell him and every time we lay him in his crib he gets one in his mouth and one for each hand and he loves that! When nap time is looming or bed time for that matter all we say is -"Grey wanna go get binkie's" and he starts squealing and laughs and does this heavy breathing thing.....it's too funny...
I still can't believe my precious angel is 18 months old today...he's the love of our lives! Happy 18 months Grey!
For Grey's 18 month photo shoot, Nate and I took him to Matthiessen Park.....I was really playing with the aperture on my camera so some are fuzzier than I wanted but the green in the pictures is gorgeous aside from Grey of course!
These first pictures were just at our house and in Grey's bedroom before we left...

Grey loved running around at Matthiessen (This is where Nate and I had our maternity pictures done...right on this bridge in October about 4 weeks before Grey joined us and then we went to Garzanelli's for dinner-yummmmm)
one of my favorites
Grey was not happy when we had to leave...
happy birthday (18 months) baby grey. Good pics Leesh and may I say I love that nate dressed up for the occasion. Craigers is proud of him, after all we did pull off a W yesterday. Ha ha. Love it!!! talk to ya soon. Luv ya!!!
ReplyDeletegreat pics! happy 18 months greyson!!