
Saturday, May 8, 2010


(I wrote this Thursday night)
  • I definitely am NOT supermom!
  • I only cooked 2 nights this week! However, one reason is because Nate is gone on a fishing trip.....okay I know I'm making up excuses...
  • My kid had mcdonalds last night for supper and applebees the night before-I'm feeling guilty here- where are my supermom duties?
  • I only went to the Y twice this week and both times I got on the treadmill and all I could think of was Grey so after barely 20 min. I left to go spend time where my heart is
  • My bathroom totally needs to be scrubbed down
  • I really need to fold laundry and vacuum- see I told you all supermom duties are out the door
  • My poor baby has been overtired and what do I do keep him at the mall lastnight until 8 because I was trying to find mothers day gifts
  • I had to throw away motrin and Tylenol on the day of greys 18mo check up so I didn't have meds to give him before his shots- bad mommy so I had to run to Walgreens with an extremely crabby baby who had just gotten shots, only had one hour of sleep, and is teething-bad mommy
oh people my list goes on and on

1 comment:

  1. Leesh you are too hard on yourself!!! I know that I don't have a human to look after (except craig) but I do the same thing. I blew off cooking this week, I blew off working out for 7 months, I constantly talk myself out of giving donner a bath, and my condo is in desparate need of cleaning. Trust me we have all been there!!! you are just a normal woman and a wonderful mom. Plus kids love McDonalds, they need to get it every now and then!!! We all did when we were little and we grew up just fine. Call ya soon
