
Friday, June 24, 2011

Swimming with the boys!

Even though the weather has not been that great - (and this 9 month prego mama could care less & will take these 70 degree temps everyday right now ;)) we still managed to fit in a little night swim this week.  The beginning of the week was still warm enough so the boys took Grey swimming.  He loved it to say the least. 

Nate has not really seen Grey swim yet this summer so he was very impressed when he saw how good Grey is doing in the water and jumping off the board.

Uncle Alex knows how to have fun at the pool...

Grey loves when they throw him in the air

 and the big splashes are the best...

and coming down for the landing...

We lost a water shoe...(Look at Nate here -ha!)

Fun in the pool - check
Fun with daddy-check
Fun with Uncle Alex-check
Good nights sleep because 2 year old was tired out - check check!

1 comment:

  1. nothing like a good swim to make a little sleep like a baby!
