
Monday, June 13, 2011

ALL about bubbles

Yesterday the guys were finishing up the kitchen floor so Grey and I needed to get outside.  Nate thought it was a good morning for bubbles, so that's what we did and I loved every minute of it. 

Enjoying some of the small things does a lot of good.  I just sat with my camera in the sun watching my little guy.

This was his cool bubble set from Easter that we had not pulled out yet.

Look at that head of!

Not sure what happened to get this face?

He did good for a little bit - dipping in the bubbles and twirling around to get these giant bubbles and then he would chase after them with a BIG giant grin on his face.

And I like to check on the progress of my flowers and I must say they are filling in quite that miracle grow;)

and then this happened...Grey decided to dump his whole bottle of bubbles...then he said "here mommy just fill it up with water for more bubbles"......................He doesn't get that bubbles are soap - he just thinks you can refill it with water and still get lots of bubbles.

So off to the hose we went and filled his bottle with water...

and then it contd.  He'd get a few little bubbles and then pour it out again...

We had a nice/quiet Sunday at home, Grey took a nice long nap after bubbles and lunch- (12:30-4:00), the kitchen floor got finished, and then it was off to Dee Dee and Papa Davey's for dinner.

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