Nate was putting flowers on his Grandma Marie's grave.

Better known as "honey"

and I put the flags around my grandma and grandpas grave

This post leaves me feeling bittersweet as I write this. These wonderful people that have been taken from us are sadly missed, but at the same time it makes me so grateful that I have grown up with grandparents my entire life. I think about my grandma and grandpa Riva a lot and how I wish they were here to see me and my entire family. They would be so overjoyed to say the least at ALL their grandchildren. I remember their house in Oglesby and I remember their wishing well in the backyard. (that's what it was to me anyway) Grandma Verna had skin like vanilla ice cream and loved her fashion. It was never too much to catch her in some animal print clothes in the middle of the day ...lol! And my grandpa "Butch" he loved to play with us, but once he got a hold of us there was NO letting go....it became a game. We loved them very much and these are some few memories that I will hold in my heart forever. This is a picture of Grandma Verna and Grandpa "Butch" Riva. Keep in mind it's an old picture obviously but one of my favorites. Oh how I wish they were still here.
Can't you tell where my dad gets his looks?! lol!

And this is Nate's Grandma Marie Skerston-"Honey" (doesn't Deb look like her?) I have been told many stories about "honey" but the two things that stick out most to me are.....the "doo" rags that we put you in Grey..."honey" started that. She always used to put Nate and Uncle Just in bandanas when they were little so whenever I put your camo one on you it reminds me of "honey"....The other story I remember is when your dad was little Grey (about 2 or 3) grandma honey had a chicken coop in her backyard and one chicken tried to attack your dad....well let me tell you that was the end of that chicken. Grandma Honey took that chicken and chopped the head off right then and there. Nothing was going to attack her one and only Nate.
I think Nate and Grandma were at the zoo here.

And this leads me to my very own grandparents (my mom's mom and dad). I have been lucky enough and blessed to have these two people in my whole entire life. I've celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with them and I've also celebrated my grandpa's 80th birthday with him and so did you Grey. We had the party about one week after you were born. You and grandpa Hank are both scorpio's. We were hoping you were going to be born on grandpa's actual birthday of November 11th, but you had other plans. I visit with my grandparents everyday, and if I don't see them in person I make a phone call to see what's going on. These are two extremely special people in our lives to say the least and now Greyson has been lucky enough to know them too!
Grandpa's 80th!

So, on this Memorial Day I wanted to take some time out and remember the people that have touched our lives, but also for the people who are living and that we cherish so much. Where would we be without them? So, thank you to ALL our parents (nate and mine) and grand-parents. We love you very much!
Very eloquent & touching blog----I miss Nate's gramma also (my aunt)---there was a reason she was called HONEY--she was a very loving & giving woman. She was one of my favorite people growing up---loved going to her house.
ReplyDeleteI also remember your dad's mom & dad--Verna was a very very attractive woman--and she did have