
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Not a good start to Summer Break

Well today was "our" first official day of summer break and Grey and I are BOTH sick.  I know, none of us can get passed this.  It's terrible!  Last week it was the pukes for all three of us and now another bug. 

Yesterday I woke up with a TERRIBLE sore throat.  I have always been prone to sore throats so I can handle most of them, but this one was different.  It was the type where I could see my swollen glands on my was the kind where my neck was stiff it hurt so bad-gross....and yes I had Nate shine a flash light in it while I held a mirror and it was so freakin' flippin' RED and some yucky puss pockets---sorry -if it's a little too graphic for!

And for Grey, he has had a terrible cough, red bottom, and he has been pulling at his ear for a few days.  So, today I woke up and said that's it...I'm calling the doctor for both of us.  I know Grey is teething, but he was still acting different and I didn't care I wanted US to be seen-that's what insurance is for -right?!.  So Grey and I took a quick bath and we were off to our appt. for 1:20-it's nice going to the same place for a change.  You see our Dr. is out this week so we had to be seen by Dr. Calderon who is a family physician and I really liked him.  He checked us both out and it turns out that Greyson has an ear infection in his left ear only, but his lungs sounded clear, so that was good.  And as for me, Dr Calderon's exact words when he shined his light in my throat was "that's an icky one isn't it?"  So, Grey and I are both on prescriptions now.  Hopefully they kick in soon and we can ALL get a full night's sleep, because that has been far and few between since Grey has been under the weather.

But here comes the other problem...................NATE!  Now he is so paranoid that he is going to get sick and he leaves with his dad on Saturday for their annual Minnesota fishing trip.  Say a prayer for us that we all get better and that Nate doesn't get it.  This has been rough.......we just can't get rid of whatever this is.  I hate being sick.

So Grey and I have been on "lockdown"....We've pulled out a bunch of new books, his 4 wheeler is the next best "piece of style" in my family room, and we've seen yo gabba gabba more than ever before....... much for kickin' off summer break "in style"

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