
Friday, June 11, 2010

More of Summer...

Well Grey and I have been on our OWN all week because Nate has been in Minnesota.  But, he gets home today so Grey will be excited.  All week he has been pointing to Nate's truck saying "daddy"'s cute and whenever we look at his books and he sees a fish he says "daddy" - oh the stuff they know!  Grey and I have just been hangin out all week and doing some shopping of course for the house and for "fashion" as well!  Grey however broke out in a rash all over his body.  And I finally realized what it was-his antibiotic!  duh!  He was on amoxicillin for his ear infection and we just finished the last dose yesterday so it is still very much in his system.  He didn't break out right away until about 6 days after we started it but I finally put two and two together yesterday after researching all over the internet about it.  So, needless to say, Grey is allergic to amoxicillin.  But, since I could not figure out what was happening to his skin we have been out of the sun this week so that's where all the shopping comes into play.  Last night we stopped at my mom's for a little bit.  Grammy and Papa bought Grey a squirt gun and he loved it!

Papa was showing Grey how to use it

Then while we were outside we saw my friend Molly riding her bike with her 2 adorable little girls so they stopped by for a bit to chat with us!  This is what Molly has attached to her bike for the kiddos and Grey loved this thing.  I might just have to get one but first I need a good!

It looks all "good" right now

But Ad was not too sure...Grey is like what'd I do? lol!  Ad's like wait that's not my sissy

oh kids...aren't they funny

Then Grey thought he would try on Elena's sunglasses

Elena peekin' out for a pic

Elena and Adelyn - oh they are so stinkin' cute these two

Then Grey had the thing all to himself

He was eating cheerios - can you tell?  And these were all over Molly's "cart" but I won't tell you "who" did it

Molly's girls have the most beautiful eyes too!

Then the girls headed home and Grey went inside to munch on some corn on the cob and some fresh if that doesn't scream summer I don't know what does...He loves eating it like this

Summer Summer - I LOVE IT!

1 comment:

  1. so great to see you guys!! little bummed we left....that corn of the cob looks mighty good! hee hee.
