
Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Hangin' at Grandma Joyce's

Monday I had to go for my annual check up.  YUCK!  I just don't like that appt.  I love my ob/gyn....and one of the first questions she asked me was..."Are ya ready to start trying again?"  And I replied NO WAY!  hah!  Not yet!  Now, if she would have asked Nate that question he would have replied YES YES YES!  He has been ready for a while now, but NOT me!  I think I will enjoy Grey just a little while longer.  Anyway, while I went to the doctor Grey went over to grandma Joyce's house for a bit.  Mary Rose, my other cousin was there so when I got back we hung out there for a little bit.  It was beautiful out, so I was just taking random photos of the kids playing and Mary posed for me as well...

Senior Portrait!

I thought this one was funny!

Now this was on Monday when the weather was in the 70s and Grey's cheeks were still beat RED

and then I took some of Mary with grandma Joyce

and this one thought he was gonna shovel something


  1. Love the pics Alicia - thanks for taking them. Also, thanks for taking MR home last night. Feeling better today - this has been a horrible start for summer vacation!

  2. His hair! Love it. Nice cool do for the summer. I was actually thinking of letting Lane's go to see how it looks, but it's already bugging me. I think a trim is in his future. Must be something with toddlers...Lane gets very red very easily too. First couple times it happened, it scared me...I thought he was burnt, but he wasn't!
