
Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

Greyson all I can tell you is that you have a very special kind of dad and you come from a long line of loving, loyal, great men!  You're dad has been a natural since the day you arrived in this world.  He has jumped right in to wake up with you, feed you, change your diapers and everything else.  He takes you for walks on Saturday mornings while I go to the Y, he plays with you constantly, and he loves to read you books before bed time and then mommy takes over.  You are truly blessed with the men in your life and I often wonder - will you ever really know....I mean it sounds so Cliche....but really will you ever know how great the men are in your life........I mean the kind of men that have been married for oh I don't know 30/50 some years and happily at that, the kind that love their kids to no end and would do anything for them, the kind that put ALL their kids through college and buy them vehicles so that they don't have to struggle or worry about money.  The kind that tell their wife it's okay to switch your whole work schedule around to watch your grandson so that we make it easier on our daughter.  Those are the kind of men and values you are surrounded with Greyson and believe me the list goes on and on.  And also believe me little boy we will try to do the same things for you because that's what we've known and that's what your dad and I have had all our lives and we want to share all those values, beliefs, and love with you little one.

So, our Father's day started with our cards and little gift to Nate.  Since Nate loves his coffee every morning and both Greyson and I know that (whenever we are at the grocery store Grey runs down the coffee isle and starts yelling daddy...daddy....daddy and grabs Nate his bag) we bought him an eco friendly kinda cup!  Nate's all about the environment and such so we thought it was perfect for him.  I think it was a hit!

Saving the world one cup at a time!

Timer picture time...take 1

take 2 and don't forget this was bright and early in the am-we all have the morning eyes

and take 3-it was supposed to be a funny face one...

after all that was done we took NAte to Starbucks of course to fill up his new eco friendly cup...hah!  We saved 10 cents in the process.  We took Grey to church on Saturday night (all I'm gonna say is that we had a friendly man sitting behind us handing us toys through mass) so we had the whole morning to spend at Starbucks and going through parking lots looking for a new vehicle for me!

then it was home to take a nap before we had to go to grammy Ann's and papa Mike's for a cookout...

after was right up and out the door to our party.  My parent's neighbor's just put in a beautiful...BIG...pool so we decided to put Grey in for a dip...He LOVES the water

Uncle Alex decided to join in the pool fun too

we practiced the back float

we watched Uncle Alex go off the board

And after pool time I took pics of you Grey with all the great men in your life...your very own daddy and papa Davey

Papa Mike

Great grandpa Hank...SEE i told ya you were lucky...which you will soon know!

So, Nate Happy Father's Day and thank you for being such a wonderful daddy to our son!


  1. That pool looks brand spankin' new! Happy Father's Day Nate.

  2. Thanks girls! And, Ange yes that pool was just put in's a really pretty one....
