Do you like the new flotation device? This was hilarious on Grey...I could not stop laughing with how he looked in the spandex part...He was not too fond of it at first and it is a little big for him this year. Good thing it was not expensive...because I don't think we will be using it a lot.

Oh and these are my cute new nike's that aren't very comfortable...

Nate made a quick beer run...Miller High Life on this particular night...and we were good to go...

He was loving this squirt gun...

This is where we thought we heard thunder...that's why my face looks like that. Nate and I were gonna have a race from one end of the pool to the other and grammy Ann was gonna judge, but then we saw lightning and scurried out of there. Lucky for Nate because he would have lost the race...hah!

One minute it was sunny and the next Greyson was looking out the window at this...

This was Grey's face after he heard a big "boom"

Love your face then Grey's face. Too funny! and that spandex is pretty cute on the little guy