
Sunday, May 16, 2010

We're Excited

and we wanted to show you just how much!  Livy has her FIRST dance recital coming up so we were celebrating...Liv stopped by with my parents last night.  She had all her make-up on from her recital pics in her pretty costume!  Some of these pics are a riot.....we were "just jumpin' for joy" and we can't wait to see her dance for us next weekend!

Grey was trying to jump too...

coolest pic of the bunch.....

Papa Mike is even!

Nice face of mine huh?

Look at Grey in this cracks me up!  (We just won't pay any attention to the mama in these)

Look at Livy in motion...too funny!

But then, we found a little garden snake in our yard and the blonde bombshell was not too happy about it....

I told her to stop crying because all of that make-up was gonna worked a little...

Grey tried his best to cheer Livy up...

And then the cheering up worked and look we didn't even smear the make-up...thank goodness for that

Credit has to go to grammy Ann for a lot of these pics....the jumping ones....I just made sure the camera was on the right setting and handed it over to grammy!  Thanks mom!  Too cute!

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