
Thursday, February 3, 2011

18 weeks Prego

How far along?  18 weeks

Baby Size?  Baby Ernat is 5.6 in. and the size of a sweet potato.  Baby Ernats bones are hardening and the first ones to do so are the inner ear, which is why the baby will start to hear my voice now and my heart beating or my tummy growling.

Sleep?  Still pretty good, just the same thing of getting up every week is the same too.  I think it will be like this from here on out.

Best moment this week?  Feeling a lot more kicks and jabs in there and they are all over the place.

Food Cravings?  Not so much.  I still eat scrambled eggs for breakfast just because of the protein but I wouldn't say I'm craving them, but they sure do taste good.

What I am looking forward to? I made my appt. for the big 20 weeker ultrasound. But, now my doctor's office does it at 22 weeks. So, my appt. for that is March 7th.....can't wait to see the little bugger on screen.

Gender?  Nope

Pregnancy Symptoms?  My lower back is starting to hurt, which I don't remember with Grey this much this early and my muscles feel sore.  Does this mean I'm getting old?  lol!  I tried to stretch yesterday after my workout and it was killing me.  But then I read my 18 week update and it said all this stuff about back pain and sore joints and hormones that can cause one big ouch!  Well I think I'm really starting to feel it.  And if that's the case I don't know what I'm going to feel like as this pregnancy!


  1. I remember having that back pain with Isla...ouch!

  2. you look great leesh! i was much more sore with ad. ??
